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2020/05/02 13:30:39瀏覽481|回應0|推薦9

A report revealed a HK primary school teacher in an online class taught his or her students by distorting the history like this: the first Opium War broke out in 1840 because of England wanted to teach a lesson to Qing Empire so as to curb the rampant opium taking in China, lest it should spread to the rest of the world.

For crying out loud, what the hell!

People may interpret the events of history in different ways, according to their own viewpoint and purpose, but the bottomline is any illustration must be on the basis of FACTS.  Even British had long admitted the cause of first Opium War was for opening up the door of then China to saveguard the so-called free trading.  Even they dared not be so brazenly that to give the war a lofty cause as that HK teacher did.  Obviously, what that teacher said had far deviated from such a criteria.  To hell with you, Kongdu.  (As well as Taidu)

Brainwashing people with this kind of nihinism of history, especially to young, innocent kids, is the most hideous but hidden crime that evil careerists may commit with cheapest cost.  Mr Xi and China Mainland, please do something!      

PS.  Please see the report at https://user.guancha.cn/main/content?id=298810

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