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試譯 歐陽修 "賣油翁"
2020/04/05 12:05:13瀏覽602|回應0|推薦12

陳康肅公堯咨善射,當世無雙 ,公亦以此自矜。嘗射于家圃,有賣油翁釋擔而立,睨之,久而不去。見其發矢十中八九,但微頷之。

Chen Yaozi, or Duke Kangsu, is a peerless archer, and he boasts of the consumate performance of his archery.  Once when he was practicing shooting at the range in his yard, an old fat oil peddler laid down the carrying pole, stood nearby watching the drill for quite a while.  The old guy only slightly nodded as an appreciation when he saw the duke made eight or nine out of ten attempts.   

康肅問曰:”汝亦知射乎?吾射不亦精乎?”翁曰:”無他, 但手熟爾。”康肅忿然曰:”爾安敢輕吾射!”翁曰:”以我酌油知之。”乃取一葫蘆置于地,以錢覆其口,徐以杓酌油瀝之,自錢孔入,而錢不濕。因曰:”我亦無他,唯手熟爾。”康肅笑而遣之。

The duke asked, "Do you also know how to shoot?  Is my archery not good enough?"  The old man replied, "Nothing particular.  Practice makes perfect."  Exasperated, the duke rebuked, "How dare you look down my shooting?"  The old man said, "Let me show you how do I pour the oil myself, and you will know it."  Then he took a gourd on the ground and put a hollowed coin on top of the opening.  Slowly, he used a ladle to pour the oil into the gourd through the hollowed coin without moistening the coin at all.  So he told the duke, "Nothing particular of mine either; I am just skilled for that."  Duke Kangsu smiled and sent him away. 


Does the story make any difference with the ones of Paoding dissecting an ox and Lunbian hacking wood to make wheels which told by Zhuang Zi?

PS  The aricle is one of the classics selected for junior high students of China Mainland. 




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