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2019/07/20 06:48:38瀏覽334|回應0|推薦5

In my previous writing I did introduce to you the composer of subject song, Chen Gexin(陳歌辛), as well as the related story at  http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7140220.  Today I noticed from an obiturary that the original singer of the song Yao Li(姚莉) passed away yesterday at 96. 

You may not know her, but in 50s and 60s she was the singer of many Mandarin pop songs which were composed by her brother Yao Ming(姚敏) in Hong Kong.  RIP, Ms Yao.

Well, in revolution days, those songs were decadent music indeed.  But most of them are more melodious and rhythmic to me than the ones in peaceful time nowadays.

PS  Bonus: https://www.toutiao.com/a6715578009090261507/


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