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2019/06/12 07:24:35瀏覽581|回應0|推薦19

Thanks to Global Times for giving us such an excellent rendering on subject term.  Actually words like heartache or heartbreak are not used to indicate some diseases related to heart.  Instead, they are usually referred to a strong feeling of sadness or worry. 

PS  Report said some TV pundit from Green Camp harbored suspicions about the veracity of the Ph.D degree pertaining to that Wonky Cai, for her thesis had been "missing" and not found either in LSE or in IALS(Institude of Advanced Legal Study---a tank for theses).  Well, I doubt the veracity of her academic credentials, too.  Why?  Simply because how come a Ph.D from that prestigious LSE owns herself a low level of written proficiency in English, on which I introduced to you in my previous writing http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/78131135   


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