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2019/03/31 16:53:55瀏覽337|回應0|推薦7

When I wrote "零丁洋裡不再嘆零丁---港珠澳大橋今日通車" at http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/118525936, I had decided to experience myself the sense of pride as being a Chinese someday on the bridge.  I did.

After one-day sojourn at Guangzhou, we continued our trip to Zhuhai, the "border" city to Macao.  People can get on the bridge directly from Zhuhai, but I insisted that we enter into Macao to take a city tour, and then got on the bridge from there, for at least we could land on the soil of that former Portuguese enclave but now a part of Chinese territory.  My brothers and my aunt agreed.  Regretfully, we did not have much time touring Macao; ere long, we proceeded to the customs at the terminal to the bridge and got on a two-storied shuttle bus.  Now we were riding on the back that miraculous "gigantic dragon over the sea". 

Unfortunately, it was a hazy afternoon and so we were unable to appreciate the vastness of the azure sky and the mid-night blue sea from a slightly sinuous bridge so long as 55 km, which is also including an underwater tunnel of 6.7Km.  Some passengers were taking a nap during a trip, but not me.  How could I?  I was thrilled to the prospect of the future greatest Bay Area in the world that shall be arising soon!  

HZMB route.svg 

PS The terminal of Hong Kong side is located at the airport.  Passengers must take city buses to town.  It will be much better if there is a subway to connect the terminal to the metropolitan systems of HK.  (There is an express to/from the airport, but the fare is relatively dear.)


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