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張嘉璈: 通脹螺旋
2019/01/25 10:00:32瀏覽239|回應0|推薦4

You may not be quite familiar with the owner of the name.  I first knew his name was in college when I read a master thesis on him.  Mr Zhang Jiaao(張嘉璈 aka 張公權 ) had been best known as a prominient technical bureaucrat in banking, finance, and transportation of modern China under KMT government.  In 1949, he was the last president of Central Bank, having witnessed (and must have also addressed) the inflationary spiral amid the process of KMT debacle in Mainland.  Attached below is an introduction of the translation edition of his "Inflationary Spiral"(通脹螺旋).  I hope someday I can read the book myself.  (Well, how dreadful a malignant inflationary spiral will be?  Please see the chaotic situation in Venezuela these days.)     



My wife used to be an employee of Bank of China, where Mr Zhang was once the general manager there.  When the bank moved to Taiwan, Mr Zhang donated his holding shares to establish a scholarship of his name, offering to the qualifed children of employees.  My two kids were receivers of the scholarship throughout their elementary schooling in Taiwan. 

Mr Zhang has many siblings who are all persons of considerable stature.  Among them, his elder brother Zhang Junmai(張君邁) is the main drafter of ROC Constitution, his younger sister Zhang Youyi(張幼儀) is the ex wife of poet Xu Zhimo, a lengdary woman of modern China.  (Please refer to my previous writing "母擬出嫁,兒意云何?" at http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7894156


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