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2014/04/10 14:34:35瀏覽210|回應0|推薦6

Sanxingdui Museum, and the archaeological site, is located at Guanghan county, near Chengdu.  The museum itself is a sophisticated exhibit house quietly sitting in a huge park as large as of 20 hectares.

Sanxingdui Culture discovered through archaeological excavations challenges the received wisdom that Chinese culture originated from the basin of Yellow River only.  The technique of radiocarbon dating dated the artifects excavated back to 12th-11th BC, which had been contemporaneous with late Shang Dynasty.  The discovery also testified that the legendary ancient kingdom of Shu might have existed.  People may marvel at the exquisite craftsmanship of the bronze artifects, especially of those gilded masks, as well as many a piece pf jade  and pottery.  But I am curious about the image of those masks(see above): big nose and protruded eyes, unlike that of today's Chinese people.  Instead they are more like those ancient Egytians.  Where had they come from, and where they had gone to; I am wondering.

Before 1949, although China gained a remarkable achievement in archaeological excavations, still a lot of stealing and selling made by ignorant peasants or greedy warlords, and ruthless looting by imperialists had wrought havoc on the legacies of our ancestors.  Not any more.  But don't be frugal over spending money on antique preservation and museums, dear Mainlanders, that is the essential part of a civilized country.       


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