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嫦娥, 玉兔, 鵲橋
2019/01/05 08:10:07瀏覽185|回應0|推薦10

On Janurary 03, 2019, after over twenty days voyage in space, Chinese Yu-tu II probe, carried by Change-4 rocket finally landed on a crator located in the dark side of the Moon, an uncharted area that human beings had never touched before.  Then the probe started to communicate with the Earth via an intermediate device named Queqiao.  I have little idea how China Mainland did it, but all my Goodness, it is indeed a magnificant performance!  Besides, I do love those names in relation to Chinese legendary stories. 

See those highly concentrated young scientists watching the landing with expectation and ecstasy.  They are pride and joy of China, and my heros, too! 



P.S. Ma, Wu, Zhu, Wang, and Han, you KMT politicians, are you really nonchalant towards such a great performance?  If not, why do you dare not say you are a Chinese?  You cowards deserve only my disdain!   

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