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2018/12/28 09:28:27瀏覽234|回應0|推薦3

I am utterly a layman to high tech, but the article attached below is a perspicacious report regarding the issue of who will be the leader in the world on cutting edge of technology in 5G era: China, America, or EU.  I do not understand much about those professional terms thereof, but this highly readable article sounds logic and reasonable to me.  Kindly read it at:


I think the prospective success of China on 5G competition, if as the author expected, has been mostly because of her adopting characteristic Chinese socialism, not that selfish, greedy capitalism of western style, and that makes a  fundamental difference.  I believe China will surely have the last laugh.  

P.S.  a bonus at https://www.guancha.cn/lijinliang/2018_12_27_484768.shtml


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