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2018/12/19 16:39:50瀏覽328|回應1|推薦7

I am glad to learn that Oxford English Dictionary has selected several new vocabularies that originally borrowed from Chinese terms, e.g. "add oil", "gouji berry", "hongbao", "jiaozi", "wuxiao", and so on.  Even though, still I strongly urge you guys not use those utterly informal "Chinglish" so as not to make laughingstocks of yourselves before regular English-speaking people, especially before educated experts.  Following is a report from: https://www.toutiao.com/a6636105082570015235/

P.S.  Before those new words, there had been some English words originated Chinese, such as "kowtow", "shanghai", "coolie", and so on.  Unfortunately, they are almost all negative words. 

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2018/12/20 04:54

"goji berry" does not fall into the category that 今日頭條 was talking about. Please note that the hanyupinyin for 枸杞 is "gouqi" instead of  "goji".  Goji is more like kowtow or coolie.

我從來不引用他們。 抱歉!

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-12-20 11:43 回覆:
I know 今日头条 lacks conscientious editors on its own reports. But some of its articles copied from other sources are worth reading.