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2018/12/16 15:53:08瀏覽414|回應2|推薦5

The recent arrest, trial and bail on Ms Meng Wanzhou, the CFO and the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, and her possible extradition to US all indicate the overt scheme of Western world (the so-called Five Eyes): they try to throttle Chinese highly-competitive companies before their products become the cutting edge of technology.  There was ZTE in last year, and now is Huawei. 

"Can Huawei survive an onslaught bans and restrictions abroad?"(the Economist) has been the most frequently asked question since the incident occurred.  Little do I know about high tech, but I do have confidence in Huawei because of its huge input into Q&D, its invulnerability to the "invasion" from western capitalists, the strong support from Chinese people and government, and, most of all, its can-do spirit.  I do believe Huawei CAN survive the challange, for it is simply the fittest.  

However, some "public intellectuals"(公知) and compradors in Mainland still preach an implausible idea that China should admit her shortcomings in technology and reach a compromise with America, and should even give up her aim of "Made in China, 2025".  What the hell?  Trade war is a war; as long as China surrenders, that means Chinese people shall be the slaves to America, in the form of OEM in foundries forever! 

Nearly a hundred years ago, Mr Lu Xuan fiercely criticized the idea of "拿來主義" which was rampant in then empty-handed China.  Now China can do everything to emulate any opponent in any field.  So China should simply pull herself up by her own bootsraps, and she will definitely weather the storm this time. 

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“Ren Zhengfei” not Zen Zhengfei,必也正名乎!😄😄
2018/12/17 03:10

More importantly,

   华为任正非:我的精神导师是毛泽东 who has been insisting 自力更生!

What else can you say?

p.s.  Please don't skip the 評論欄

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-12-17 14:55 回覆:
Thanks! A very good commentary, as well as a piece of beautifully-written and moving essay. My eyes moistened when I finished reading it and all comments thereof.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-12-18 01:11 回覆:
Both Chairman Mao and Mr Ren Zhengfie are genuine communists!

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/12/16 20:49




Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-12-17 14:20 回覆:
活廣告, 有道理!