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(雙語): "老外談學漢語拼音"---(轉貼)
2018/09/17 16:57:22瀏覽474|回應1|推薦12

Retiredbum notes: I talked about Hanyu Pinyin several times in my previous writings.  Please check them in the "lingustics" category of my blog.  Attached below is another brief article about Pinyin that I found at BackChina.com, which will give you a concise history on the development of the system.  BTW, both English and its Chinese translation are beautifully written.  It is worth your while to read it.

Anyone, who is planning to learn Chinese in China or overseas, should be very grateful for the current pinyin system that is in use.


  Romanisation of the Chinese language began back in the 1600s through the Jesuit missionaries but the works were solely for a western audience.


  It is common to come across the Wade-Giles pinyin system in history text books or hearing people talk about China who haven』t learned modern pinyin.


  Compared to the logic of the modern system of pinyin there are clear flaws. Mao Zedong was written as Mao Tse-tung. The 『tung』 phonetic for 東 is not accurate standard pronunciation and so the Wade-Giles system would always be lacking.

  較之現代拼音體系,威妥瑪式拼音法有明顯缺陷。Mao Zedong(毛澤東)寫出來是Mao Tse-tung,而用tung表示「東」的發音並非準確的標準發音。因而威妥瑪式拼音法總是有所欠缺。

  Modern hanyu pinyin was a project pushed by the Communist Party in 1950. Led by Zhou Youguang, the team』s aim was to create an all-encompassing phonetic system without the inaccuracies of previous systems.

  現代漢語拼音是共產黨1950年推進的項目。 由周有光引領,團隊旨在創造全面的拼音體系,剔除之前體系不準確的標音。

This seemingly exhaustive list provides the all the phonetic possibilities in the language. The tones are signified by markers, known as diacritics, above the key syllable of the final.


  Pinyin can be important for Chinese adults as well as foreigners and schoolchildren as it reminds people of the standard pronunciation opposed to their local dialect.


  It』s possible, and realistic, that in the near future school children all over the world will be learning Chinese as part of their syllabus.


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2018/09/18 05:59


     周有光:最反感被叫“汉语拼音之父”_腾讯网 - 今日话题 

【摘要】 百岁老人周有光去世了,盖棺论定,实事求是,一些媒体称之为“汉语拼音之父”,实属过誉。须知最早提出用拉丁字母拼写汉语方案的是明末的利玛窦等欧洲传教士,第一个创制汉语拼音文字的国人是卢戆章。新中国成立后,吴玉章担任中国文字改革委员会主任,汉语拼音方案是毛泽东主席拍板决策制定、推行,吴玉章具体主持负责,周有光无论如何称不上“汉语拼音之父”。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-09-18 23:28 回覆:
The article was written by a foreign author, so he might not know the true Pinyin history. Besides I thing maybe because Mr Zhou lived so long a time that he has become the only member of the original committee who was old enough to gain public reverence.