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2018/08/22 22:30:08瀏覽588|回應0|推薦9

The other evening as I watched a talk show, I noticed a panelist, a widely respectful GM of a broadsheet newspaper, pronounced "ai", instead of the correct "yi" on the word "艾" of subject idiom.  You may think he was just a little bit insouciant then, or you may think I am a little bit too meticulous.  Well, correct pronunciation on Chinese idioms is important; otherwise, someday that makeshift "jian jie" for "尷尬" will happen again.

Kindly refer to my previous writing "On 常念錯的100個字" again at: http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/15907773

P.S.  However, I found almost all panelists or anchorpersons on TV still pronounced "便"宜行事 as pian, instead of the correct "bian".  That is unforgivable. 

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