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2018/07/05 19:47:30瀏覽597|回應1|推薦5

As from July 01, the retirement pension that civil servants, public school teachers, and veterans who entitled to receive every month have drastically shrunk.  Those retirees had to take over 20% cut in their pension, which to some extent would affect their retired lives for sure.  Those victims out of the "reform" had to do something to protect their benefits, and so continued protests and the calls for constitutional redress had been on. 

But I must point out that basically their benefits could not be likened as "vested interests" as DPP accused them of; instead, the pension plan was a contractual agreement signed between the employer, the government, and those governmental employees.  An accountable and capable government should keep the economy pie larger and larger by not making wrong decisions and by avoiding wastage on limited resources, so as to enable all systems, including the pension plans, sustainable.

I am not familiar with the pension system of Mainland China, but I learned from the report attached below that there are 5-6% pension raises in many a city and province, most of them also take effective as from July 01: https://www.toutiao.com/a6574417609578512899/.  I am not sure if the status of the pension protection in Mainland is satisfactory to retirees or not, at least, from the report CCP government is striving for taking good care of the retirees as possible as she can. 

FYI, over six years since I retired from work, my monthly labor pension has remained the same as that the first time I received it.  Oh my goodness!    

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/07/06 10:40
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-07-06 19:03 回覆:
Yeah, otherwise people will by degree lose credibility on the government.