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2018/06/25 21:16:47瀏覽447|回應0|推薦3

I talked about Mr Yang Xianyi and Mrs Gladys Yang many times in my previous writings.  The couple is really my idol.  Not long ago, an erstwhile colleague and a good friend of mine, Mr Lin, presented me several classical books, and one of them was the couples translation on "Selections From Records Of The Historian" written by Sima Qian.

The book select 18 pieces of choice biographies from "Records".  Because I have known the stories or read most of them before, so I can grasp the translation without much ado.  Now the book is my bedtime reader, and I just can not sleep without it. 

P.S.  Needless to say, the book is published by a Mainland bookstore; I guess no Taiwan publisher would bother to print such kind of books. 

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