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2018/06/20 15:53:10瀏覽624|回應2|推薦4

"Made in China, 2025" has become a thorn in Ameican flesh.  Recently America rekindled the so-called Trade War against China mostly because of its growing apprehension that China would vie with it for the hegemony if China has realized such a magnifient project by the time she set.

You know, not long ago I just came back from the trip of west Hunan, and let me take city of Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan, as an example.  Changsha is just a second-tier city at lower position of the standings in China, but to my observation, the city has surpassed Taipei at least in architectures, infrastructures, and city plannings.  So you can imagine how it will be for China in 2025, even though I doubt China will achieve an across-the-board surpass over America by then.  But no doubt soon we will see a matter-of-fact G2 in 2025. 

Even China will have gained such a stature in the near future, she is not a widely respectable country should the average quality of her citizens not reach to the generally-recognized standard of modern civilization.  This time when I was in Changsha, I noticed that some vehicle would slow down or stop when there were pedistrians on zebra crossings without lights, but not ALL vehicles.  Despite having improved a lot, jumping the line is still not an unusual act that some impatient people are doing especially in the long queues at scenic spots.  Dear fellow Mainlanders, I have full confidence in you that by 2025 China will be a highly respectable nation not only for her strength, but also for her high-quality citizens like you are.    


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People argue and reason ....., and I am not certain but confused..
2018/06/21 13:54



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-06-21 21:55 回覆:
Certainly stock market is an easy-to-read barometer of national economy, and also an effective channel to attract investment from the public. Still it also a highly speculative casino managed by governments, a place for money games. It may not reflect the real situation of the national economy of a country; otherwise, how can we explain the seemingly not bad performance that Taiwan stock market now is showing while the island is deeply trapped in economic doldrums, or that sky-rocketing market of Japan in mid 80s before it plummeted to hell and bought Japan a "lost two decades"?

Maybe I am wrong, but stock market is more like window dressing to me.

Would appreciate your comments.
2018/06/21 06:10


.....  中国股市仍正在像瀑布般暴跌,虽然点数不过下跌百点,但是绝大多数股票都创出了十年来的历史新低,上千个股票打到跌停板,这是当今全世界股市包括非洲股市中都没有出现的罕见现象。”

Would appreciate your comments.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-06-21 13:15 回覆:
I do not know much about stock, whether of Taiwan or of America. But I think the current booming situation of Wall Street is just a part of the "evil" cycle pertaining to American stock market. Remember the catastrphic collapse just ten years ago in 2008? Now America raised its interest rates, so hot money rush in after "shearing fleece" on other countries, and extra money would inevitably go to the stock market and real estates, waiting for another burst of bubbles.

By contrast, I have confidence in Chinese leaders and economists. They know what they are doing, and they always do the right things right.