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2018/05/28 21:32:30瀏覽614|回應1|推薦6

Watching baseball games, either on TV or in stadium, is a time-consuming pastime.  Normally a game will take three hours to complete offense and defense by either team in 9 innings; but when hitting sprees or walks increase, the game will be prolonged, let alone extra innings.  I guess that is why the characteristically no-time-limit  baseball has been expelled from Olympic.  (Another reason may be because baseball is a summer game, and all baseball leagues, especially MLB, are reluctant to release their top players to Summer Olympic.)

Recently I noticed there had been rule change in MLB.  The mount visits made by catchers and pitching coachs are limited to six times for either team per game, and intentional walks can be made by catchers to umpires verbally, instead of having to throw that funny, ritualistic four balls again.  Obviously, the change is made to shorten protracted games, if any.

P.S.  Can you believe this?  On one Sunday morning when I was in LA 30+ years ago, I watched a televised double header of California Angels games(now LA Angels).  Throughout almost seven hours of the games, I accomplished "warpping up" 500 dumplings(jiaozi), alone.


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/05/29 13:18



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-05-29 23:00 回覆:
Yeah. But a tennis game has at most five sets for men and three sets for women, while a baseball game must get through nine innings.