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2018/05/07 11:35:14瀏覽895|回應0|推薦6

Chinas aviation bureau recently dispatched memos to foreign airliners, demanding not to categorize Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao as a "country" in their websites or commercial pamphlets.  Then White  House office issued a rude and peremtory announcement that Chinas act is kind of the Big Brother mindset that George Orwell describes in his novels. 

Well, that Wonky Cai was thrilled to see such an opportunity for her to steal the show.  So in her Facebook she wrote following words: 


In addtion to her blatant "Two Countries" theory, I think she should use "evil attempts" to replace "efforts" because the latter is of more positive connotations. (Definitely that was not what she was trying to convey.)  Besides, she misspelled the word "mischaracterize", a "c" was missing. 


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