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拔管, 拔掉垂死台灣的插管
2018/04/29 22:00:09瀏覽745|回應1|推薦6

In my previous writing "卡"管 (http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/111492921), I only discussed with you the right pronunciation "卡" used, but didnt talk about the case that DPP administration was to overrule the decision made by NTU to engage Mr. Guan as the principal.  Now the nightmare has become a reality.

There has been enough critiques on the case, and I dont want to add another one.  I just want to say since DPP totally ignores the so-called universal value of democracy that they boast of, and blatantly flouts its foundation---the priciple of rule by law, which are the last vital signs of Taiwan; therefore, the case of 拔管 is just like they are pulling out the tubes from the vital organs on a dying Taiwan.      

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Yes, indeed.
2018/04/30 00:01

關卡 是 guanqia,我還是看大陸電視劇才注意到正確發音。在同學和朋友間,好像大家都發成 ka。


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-04-30 21:34 回覆:
我也學到不少. I really admire the efforts that China's Mainland have been doing towards the revival of Chinese culture.