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2018/02/22 15:49:52瀏覽513|回應0|推薦7

Beggars cant be choosers.  Simple as that. 

A piece of “old” news concerning two Taiwan temporary workers’ experiences in Australia rekindled public attention because of a report from New York Time.  A waitress working at a Chinese restaurant gave a negative answer to the question "are you a Chinese" asked by a custmer, ere long, her employer from Chinas Mainland fired her.  Another waitress of another Chinese restaurant replied to question asked by her Mainland employer, "Is Taiwan a part of China?".  Half hour later after answering the question with "of course not", she got a pink slip.  You know, the job of a waitress is not the one that requiring high tech or special expertise.  Therefore, there are more latitude allowed for the restaurant owners to choose the employees they like better.  Under this circumstance, the owners from Mainland are choosers, not the workers from Taiwan. 

Obviously, the two restaurant owners think people of Taiwan are Chineses, and Taiwan is an insseparable part of China, and that is sacrosanct.  So their intrinsic value makes them abhor those Taiwanese workers who embrace otherwise "natural" notion of different political stance.  Please see following report again.  (FYI, a fellow UDN blogger Mr. Blackjack also has had a similar, indepth analysis on the case, and his writing is highly recommendable.) 


The case(s) mainatured the future policy of Chinas Mainland toward Taiwan.  If islanders continue not to recognize them as Chineses, and DPP administration refuses to accept 92 Consensus (One China Policy), then Taiwan and its "natural Taidu advocates" of younger generation will have no way to go to in this whole wide world.  

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