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2018/02/18 15:17:46瀏覽579|回應0|推薦3

Attached below is an indepth historical review about the public transportation, especially about railways, of modern China, which began from late Qing Dynasty, through Dr Sun Yat-shen, disunited Peking regimes, Nationalist government before 1949, and China under CCP till now.  (Some people may say what Dr.Sun had mapped out was just an armchair plan.  It wasnt, because we must say Sun had his great vision, but under then Chinas reduced circumstance, no government could be capable of carrying his plan out.)


P.S.  Remember Chinas messy situation during "Spring movement" in extremely inclement 2008?  Just over ten years, now China has had worlds longest high-speed railway system of 23 thousand kilometers, not to mention her high-speed roads and subways.  If there is a government who is ultimately accountable to its people, CCP is the one.  

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