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2018/02/17 15:22:44瀏覽698|回應0|推薦7

A reporter, who is dispatched to Taiwan by a Mainland TV station, displayed his video recorded during Hualian earthquake that how did the so-called Jap "rescue" team refuse to enter the collapsed building because it was "dangerous", and then brazenly claimed that they could only teach our men how to use their "sophisticated" sensoring instrument, no other services.  

Later on, according to following report, an official from "Committe of Mainland Affairs" called the reporter and demanded the video be withdrawn.  Why did the official do that?  Obviously, the video will impair islanders favorable impression on Japs "friendship" and "great deed" towards Taiwan, and most of all, debunk the hidden agenda behind Japs real intention.  


Though its customary not to say any swear words during Spring Festival, still I have to say it: to hell with you, Cai administration!

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