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再擊敗國民黨一次, 老共就在乎你了?
2018/02/14 13:57:47瀏覽501|回應0|推薦3

In my previous writing I said I hate to see Taiwan has nothing to do but election all the time.  Unfortunately, it has been the reality of the "democracy", Taiwan sytle.

Now in a pep rally, DPP chief secretary urged the party must beat KMT again in coming mid-term election so as to fully display the "will" of Taiwans mainstream value, and let Chinas Mainland know what people of Taiwan are really thinking of.  What the hell!  Even you trounce KMT a hundred times, Chinas Mainland wont be forced to concede your legitimacy, never.  Yesterday, I told you an online poll made of the voting by Chinas netizens.  The outcome may be a joke, but thats partly implied whatever happens in Taiwan wont change Mainlands mind, and dont think she still cares. 

The only benefit DPP can get from the continued victories in elections; however, is to give them ample time to practice more grafts and make their loots "the foundation of Taidu".  LOL.    

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