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2018/01/10 16:45:03瀏覽235|回應0|推薦4

Chinas Mainland has long become the dreamland for those market-starved singers and actors of Taiwan; thats fine as long as they do have talents and popularity over there.  But if they embrace the notion of Taidu, that will be another story.

Will America allow its show biz people to preach independence of Hawaii?  Will Japan tolerate its people on stage to stand for giving up four islands of northern part?  Similarly, Chinas Mainland wont allow anyone, especially from Taiwan, who has own himself or herself of Taidu propensity.  You may say in so doing there would be witch-hunts because how could you know what have had on their mind.  Its easy, see what theyd said and done in Taiwan when they catered to local fans.

Dear netizens of Mainland, you can help authorities to reveal more nasty singers and actors(including directors, pro basketball players, and businessmen) like Knife, Gay, Three Sisters, and so on.  Market-starved?  Just let them starve!   


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