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2018/01/08 17:15:38瀏覽452|回應0|推薦7

Recently Chinas Mainland started using an ICAO-approved air route M503 at her own discretion. The move engendered "a tempest in a teapot" in Taiwan; again, Cai administration felt flustered and exasperated, and urged all "foreign airplanes" be careful; otherwise, they will have taken the responsibility at their own risk. Report said four airliners of Mainland and Hong Kong totally ignored the warning from Taiwan, and began to fly the "new" route according to their schedules.   What a farce Cai and DPP were playing!  (Please see the diagram below, thanks to Central Agency.)


However, that artificial but fictitious "central demarcation line of Taiwan Strait" should have never existed, for Taiwan is a part of China.  Ithink both sides of the strait should no longer have the line on its mind.  Dear Mainlanders, you must disregard the line; otherwise, you will be trapped into that notorious notion of "China vs Taiwan" or "Two Chinas".  Dear islanders, forget about that stupid line because it will never be your protective talisman!













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