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2018/01/09 16:47:35瀏覽292|回應0|推薦6

Ive talked about Zhuyin and Pinyin several times before, though I am just a dilettante in lingustics.  I am doing this because either Zhuyin or Pinyin has helped a lot to bolster up exterminating illiteracy and consolidating national unity for modern China.  Attached below is an indepth, comprehensive comparison between the two kinds of phonetic alphabet at:


Lets say our thanks to the contribution done by 章太炎, 吳稚暉, 周有光 and so many other experts for their hard work; also we should appreciate the sagacious decision made by President Chiang, Chairman Mao, and Premier Zhou, without them we might have to use phonetic letters in place of Chinese characters, just as those Taidu advocates have been longing for. 

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