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2017/11/28 17:48:24瀏覽307|回應0|推薦5

I talked about the superiority and the benefit of Chinese language several times in my previous writings.  Attached below please find a more systematic account in that regard, which is also written in felicitous turn of phrase and some humorous style. https://www.toutiao.com/a6492574508031934989/

So its a sheer stupidity of DPP trying to replace Chinese with Roman characters.  Eventually they will eat their own bitter fruit for sure.

P.S.  Dear islanders, dont belittle the spoken Fujianese that you are using everyday.  Even it has been a dead language to write modern Chinese with, but some of its terms can be found in classic Chinese usages.  I think you should be proud of possessing such a great heritage.       

"有什麼例子可以佐證閩南語是古漢語活化石嗎?" https://www.toutiao.com/a6492759584929743117/

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