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2017/11/02 13:03:08瀏覽415|回應0|推薦7

Houston Astros just beat Los Angeles Dodgers 5-1 in the game 7 of world series to win the World Championship first time ever in its franchise history.

That Japanese starter for Dodgers, Darvish Yu, flopped again this evening.  Exactly the same as the last time he pitched: he stood up to one and two-third innings only, but allowed one more run than in the previous game, totally five runs. 

I dont think "日本鬼子" is a term of prejudice for ordinary Chineses to address a Japanese.  But in America it may be a term of racism.  Report said in the last game Darvish pitched, Astros first baseman Yuli Gurriel did something inappropriate towards him.  (Gurriel used his finger to slant his eyes toward Darvish when he hit a home run from the hapless Japanese.)  Later on, MLB dicided to punish Gurriel a five-game ban in next season.  Tonight when Gurriel faced Darvish at bat again, among deafening boos, he tipped his helmet toward Darvish as a sign of rapport.  


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