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2017/07/04 16:04:11瀏覽504|回應0|推薦5

You may not know her, and you may not like her or may feel indifferent toward her when you know she is the first significant woman of CCP in incipient stage.  But it is an indisputable fact that she is one of major figures in modern China history, especially during the struggle between KMT and CCP.  Here is a brief introduction on the brave deed of her at: http://www.toutiao.com/a6437847729993203970/

FYI, Ms. Xiangs ex-husband Cai Hesen(蔡和森) and sister-in-law Cai Chang(蔡暢) are also among outstanding founders of CCP.  Please google to find their biographies if you are interested in. 


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