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2018/02/03 20:23:44瀏覽214|回應0|推薦0
(一)人生是一隻舞蹈, 不是摔跤
唯一不同的是,如果你接受,內行就會平靜;如果你排斥它,你就會感到厭惡; 但不管如何,事實還是一樣。
智慧開啟自於你已經明瞭,煩惱是無盡的──── 你不想要有煩惱,其實是「自尋煩惱」,因為那是不可能的。

等你年紀再大一點,又有不同的問題; 然後當你老了的時候,這些問題又不見了。並不是你把問題解決了,只是隨著日子一天天過去,問題被放下了。你老的時候,會笑自己以前曾有過那些問題,當時你傷心、難過、痛不欲生,而今呢?



你嘗試過很多次要改變周遭的人、事、物,結果卻更糟。現在試試看: 把你的心沉靜下來,不要改變任何事───如果天氣太熱,風太大,附近狗吠很吵,你的伴侶有很多毛病,你的主管摧毛求疵,親戚很愛計較,同事愛說閒話....就照它本來的樣子接受它。
我們能控制什麼呢? 我們能控制的就是自己。包括我們的想法、態度,以及對事情的反應。

1. 意涵

the implication of a potential A and B merger


1. 被軍方法庭起訴家庭暴力
was convicted of domestic violence by military court
2. 沒有輸入到槍枝的database
HAFB failed to input that conviction into a federal database useded for gun-purchase background checks.
3. 此疏忽讓他可以繼續買槍
The oversight enabled him to buy multiple weappons from licensed gun dealers
(was found at the scene after the killing)
4.美國軍方與FBI 在互分享罪犯資料上有很多的問題
The U.S. military has broad, longstanding problems sharing criminal records wth the FBI.
5.由此看出, 並沒有發生
is required to share data with the FBI under federal law, but, as the Kelley case lays bare,  the fact that it's mandatory doesn't mean it actually happens
1.俄國去年干預美國總統選舉, 傷害了希拉蕊
Russian's Intelligence services interfered in the 2016 presidential election to hur hurt Hillary Clinton 
and help Donald Trump win, the U.S. intellignece community says.
During this time, American spy angencies say, they also found that people connected to Trump's campaign were communicating with Russians in ways that caused " concern."
The people involved in the aftermath of the election-meddling range from some of the best-known in the world to lesser-known government officials.
1. The senate wasted no time connecting the abstract stroy that is Russion interference to strife in the real world. 干涉的混亂
2. They take on a number of issues, but mostlyfocus on amplifying controversy within American culture. 放大矛盾
3. The algorithms may also have the unintended consequences of widening divisions among our society- polarizing people. 擴大分岐
1. Russian interference efforts in the 2016 presidential election were broader than anyone first knew. 介入很廣
2. The total number of users across those platforms who may have seen content created by Russian operatives leading up to the election is now estimated at more than 100 million.
3. The bottom line is these technologies also can be used to undermine our democracy and put our nation at risk.
4. Much of that content was aimed at widening divides in American culture, touching on topics from LGBT matters to race issues to immigration to gun rights.
5. Many of these ads and posts are inflammatory, some are downright offensive, and much of it will be particularly painful to communities that engaged with this content believing it to be authentic.
1. a proposal to regulate political advertising the same way as television, radio and print. 管理政治的廣告
2. Seems like nearly every day brings some new twist involving Russia and Facebook or Twitter or Google. 每天都有轉折
3. The senators introduced a bil they say will help protect the next U.S. election from Russion meddling by requiring tech giants to reveal who is buying polical ads on their platforms. 接露買政治廣告的人 以避免俄國攪 保護下一個美國選舉
4. The reason to reveal the foreign agen that paid for the ad is because they're already against the law for a foreign government to interfere in American elections. 違反法律 外國政府介入
interfere in / meddling
1. There appears to be no quick patch for the malware afflicting America's political life. 無法修補
2. Over the course of three congressional hearings, lawmakers fulminated, Big Tech witnesses were chastened but no decisive action appears to be in store to stop a foreign power from harnessing digital platforms to try to shape the information environment inside the United States. 還是沒有方法阻止
3. Assuming it passed, months or more from now would change the calculus sligtly: requiring more disclosure and transparency for political ads on Facebook and Twitter and other social platforms. 需要公開與透明化在政治廣告上
4. Even if it became law, however, it would not stop such ads from being sold, nor heal the deep political divisions exploited last year by foreign influence-mongers. 法律執行有困難- 無法阻止廣告被賣, 政治分歧依然存在
5.The lesgislation also couldn't stop a foreign power from using all the weapons in its arsenal againt the U.S., including cyberattacks, the deployment of human spies and others. 仍然無法阻止國外的勢力用各種形式攻擊美國
6. F and T said they were taking some action.
 They've vowed to reveal who's buying certain ads, disclose their contents and to label them in ways they haven't before. 承諾會做出行動
The compnies also made clear they condemn the use of their services they've discovered, which they said violate their policies in many cases.
allegiance is flexible
1. The Russian influencemongers used Facebook, Google, Twitter and other online platforms in the overt part of their attack on the 2016 U.S. election.
2.Each company has acknowledged selling ads to Russian-inked buyers or, in the case of Facebook and Twitter, the presence of fake or automated accounts that wreaked all kinds of interferences within the U.S.
what is in dispute is what action to take now.
3. The Senators have a bill that would mandate disclosure about online political ads. But F&T say they're already planning to take industry-leading new steps on transparency.
4. The hearig coud provide new indications about how strongly each side of this- Congress on the one and Big Tech on the other- feels about the cards it is holding.
5. The material was pilfered by Russian government hackers and then fenced through Wikileaks and other websites as part of the clandestine side of the Russian influence campaign agaist the United States in the last presidential election cycle.

SISLEY 希思黎 密集緊緻勻體精華(200ml)

11/12 消除橘皮 




不得不說有些明星和超模的話還是要認真聽好嗎?米蘭達可兒Miranda Kerr就說過:「我都靠乾刷來讓我的腿保持完美的發光狀態.」乾刷可以去除肌膚的橘皮組織,還能幫助排毒,只要在洗澡前用刷身體專用的豬鬃刷(不要買到塑膠毛的,不然妳會刷流血),以畫圈的方式從下往上刷,就能有效改善橘皮,COSMO Angel建議一週刷三次,但可依自己肌膚的敏感狀況而定. 
=>按摩: 大腿,屁股,腹部
(一)決心 超越 渴望
1/23 男人想要什麼?
2/26 不同的世界觀
女性側重人際的關聯,自然就會對愛、人際關係、溝通、分享、合作、直覺及和諧比較有興趣; 而專心致志的男人則喜歡化零為整,因此對結果的追求、目標的達成、權力、競爭、工作,邏輯和效率的興趣極高。
3/4 浪漫百分點
3/12 壓力與冷漠
3/24 女人畢竟是女人
4/1 道歉與原諒
現代的男人希望伴侶能重視性生活,維持他的熱情。然而,若想達成這項目標,男女雙方都得在床第技巧上力求精進。女人只有在感受到伴侶的珍惜時,熱情才會被挑動; 男人則除非覺得女伴對性表示高度興趣,否則也很難產生激情。
3.開啟開場白 =>天氣,季節,新聞,休閒,服裝, 居處, 旅遊,學習,工作,運動
offer condolences 致哀
beholden to vows
figure of speech 比喻
swear fealty to 效忠
speak so highly of 高評價
a bashful girl
start to let on 展現
valuable allies
sail for 航向/ feat of the power 權力的核心
fight on opposite sides
appreciate the efforts you had made on her behalf
sham marriage/ unconsummated
What happens when you're faced with a workforce that seems unwelcoming or even hostile? The answer is to become your own boss.
1. He is making the best of an October heat wave by seling solor panels. He has essentially always been a entrepreneur. He started in landscaping and moved toward solar panel installation.
2. He chose those jobs because there are not many black people in the industry. We look at each other as unicorns because there's not many of us.
3. He currently has a small operation- five employees and a few independent contractors. In many ways, his entrepreneurial spirit has helped him avoid the glass ceiling. Im not going to have to go through discrimination; i try to avoid it at all cost because im going to write my own ticket.
3. Race and how we perceived it affects what happens in the workplace. Discrimination can defer AA and other minorities from applying for certain jobs.
The poll found that 56 percent of African-Americans say they've experienced racial discrimination when applying for jobs and benn discrimated against in being considered for promotions and in being paid equally.
4. Once you begin to screen out an entire sector of jobs that people can participate in.. people will begin to find alternatives that are more informal, whether they're legal or not.
There has been a shift overall in the economy, includingfor white workers. In the las 30 years or so, informal economic activities has been rising. "The hustle" - vital to the survival for black men for centuries- is becoming important to the nation as a whole.

'Mystery Shoppers' Help U.S. Regulators Fight Racial Discrimination At Banks

1. When the CFPB looked into the Mississippi-based reginal bank, it didn't just review thousands of loan applications. It sent in undercover operatives - some white, some black- who preteneded to be customers applying for loans.
(they had similar credit scores and similar background and situations)
2. Our investigation had found that BS had engaged in illegal relining , meaning refusing to lend into specific areas of the city. 
a. The bank charged African-American customers higher interest rates for mortgates than similarly situated white applicants.
b. The bank denied loans to African-Americans applicants more often than white applicants- nearly twice often.
a. When regulators get people to pose as customers, it's called "testing"- also sometimes called "mystery shoppers"-when appropriate.  又稱秘密購買者
b. this case marks the first time the CFPB has said it is using testors for enforcement. 第一次使用
c. It's an incredibly powerful tool. 很厲害的工具
d. The testors are used to enforce fair housing laws. They posed as people looking to buy or rent houses and apartments. 被使用在推行住宅的法律
e. Testors are the unmarked squad cars in the housing markets. It is the most effective way of finding out how people are actually being treated in the marketplace. 很有效,移動是警察
f. Still, this approach costs money. You need a large, diverse pool of testers. 很貴
4. The bank did not admit wrongding and said in a statement: " BS is fully committed to fair and responsible lending practices."
It's important for institution to know that we're going to be looking not just at what they say on paper that they're supposed to be doing, but what their people actually doing in individual cases with individual customers.
5. Nope of the lawmakers as well as industry groups criticized the CFPB as they had reached out in the case. The industry is definitely aware of the undercover effort. Hopes that serves as deterrent. 威嚇

權力的遊戲 第7季 第2集 S7 Ep2

seems like a lifetime ago/ vastly underestimated you
take advice from / outlive/ no matter the odds 結果
besiege 包圍/ seat of the power / sail for / object
appeal the loyaltyㄝ, the love for their country/ rally 聚集
lay seige to包圍, surronding the city on all sides 
wont obey if unless they fear you
have the stomoch in it
trophy 戰利品/ forge鑄造/ on occasion 偶爾/ laboring day and night
live out your life with / beyond our skills/ as an anointed knight 受封
no better man than / affliction 苦難/ this is quite advanced 晚期
swear allegiance 忠貞/ swear an oath
auspicious (lucky)
prophecy 預言
roll off the tongue 順口
face common emeny 共同的敵人
bend the knee
trying to lure you 吸引你 圈套
too great a risk
sound like a charmer/ charming
is in open rebellion against the crown 公開反叛
holdfast and castle
ferry v. 帶
rape and enslave / stab rivals in the back 
butcher v. (kill) without a second thought
is no different 
how do you proposed to 打算 / summon 招喚/ mobilize 
oathbreakers or schemers 野心家

Looking For A Home When Your Name Is Hispanic And Finding Discrimination Instead


 1.  A newly marrried couple encountered discrimination when looking to rent a house. The landlord responded differently to the voicemail, and the difference was the Hispanic name.
2. Over the years, many other Latinos have had similar experiences. In a new poll, 31 percent of Latinos report that at some points in their lives they experienced discrimination becuase they are Latino when looking for a house or apartment.
3. Housing discrimination has lasting, profound effects. A safe, affordable apartment can act like a vaccine. Your ZIP code may be more important to your health than your genetic code. This has huge implications for your income and ultimately your life expectancy. 
(the safety, education norms and social networks of neighborhoods matter)
4. In a lower-income neighborhood with a large minority population, there's fewer resources. The average expectancy is lower than the one in higher income neighborhood. We know that it is based on your environment, and it's discrimanation with a real public health concern.
(minority ethnic groups/ being discriminated against)
(a bigger house to accommodate their needs)
5, There's evidence that housing discrimination against minorities is on the decline. Enforcement efforts by fair housing centers across the country have made a real impact.

流感,還是感冒? 症狀比一比


2015-10-11 10:05聯合晚報 記者陳麗婷/台北報導 






破案神探 第1季 第4-6集 S1 Ep6

a plea bargain 認罪協商 is the only antidote 唯一有效方法 against a failed prosecution.


After 3 Years Under ISIS, Mosul's Children Go Back To School

October 9, 20178:59 AM ET

  1. 下課後 小朋友們衝出教室
On the first day of school,  children come thundering out of the classroom when the recess bell rings at the elementary school.
2. ISIS在時,小朋友不上學
When ISIS was in the city, none of the children went to school. ISIS sent government teachers home and ran its own schools- focused on religion and weapons training.
3. 政府開設了補課系統
To make up for the lost years, the Iraqi government implemented a system where children could take makeup classes and then sit for exams.
If they passed, they moved into the grades they would have been in if school haden't been interrupted.
4. beginning from zero 從0開始
It's a big school with no running water and cleaners. They need the municipality or someone else to ome and clean, and also to bring desks to begin with.
5. We want you to succeed 我們要你成功
In many parts of Iraq, because of overcrowding, studetns go to school just four hours a day. The boys are the afternoon shift on this day, with a few grils interspersed.
"Make sure you're on time. I don't want any absences. We want you to succeed."
*the recess bell rings 下課鐘鈴響/ come thundering out of the classrom

張忠謀退休前最後一場台積電運動會 發4.56億紅包

2017年11月4日 上午10:08


三立新聞網 setn.com
2017年11月2日 上午6:57
188 則留言



陸交換生問萬安演習做什麼 網友1句話神回

2017年5月21日 上午11:42
246 則留言


MIT實力 Venus Skin維納斯 獲英媒讚 An award-winning brand!

鼻酸…癌末阿公每天努力進食 只為體重達標「捐贈大體」




十月活動:免費加標『棉繩水桶包』插畫甜甜圈 | 多款圖樣選擇


李開復:最大白領失業潮來襲 4種「師」首當其衝

 2016-04-25 天下雜誌596期






2017/05/18 09:18:00


日人在台驚奇的7件事 垃圾車也上榜

三立新聞網 setn.com
2017年5月28日 下午5:20
  1. 1. 垃圾車一來,民眾拿著垃圾蜂擁而上。
  2. 台灣人很喜歡改名,認為改名同時也能改運。
  3. 台灣走到哪都能看到日文。
  4. 不論是葬禮或是慶祝神明誕辰,常常都會請辣妹來跳舞。
  5. 台灣冥婚的習俗也讓日本人覺得很新奇。
去這幾國 自稱台灣人馬上服務變好?
三立新聞網 setn.com
2017年6月3日 下午10:11





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A Major Distraction': Is A Mega-Deal Like Amazon's HQ2 Always Worth It?

LeRoy- he knows about corporate subsides.
             he digs into the convoluted financial relationship of corprations and         
             local governments. *twisted
Amazon's bid has come to deadline - highly publicized search for the locations of its second headquarters, dubbed HQ2.
Cities are clamouring to land - land the conglomerate's project and its unparalled promise of up to 50,000 jobs paying an average of $100,000  - at one of the world's fastest-growing companies. 
(communities chase megadeals - hoping for an influx of well-paying jobs.)
(that means- more wealthy residents spending more money, boosting local business and maybe drawing new ones- things generally good for the economy)
大眾的擔心 - 需要付出多少代價?  需要提供什麼優惠?
Public soul-searching:how much should a city or state subside a wealthy
American corporation in exchange for such a shiny promise?
# There is a whole system in economic development that has pitted states and cities agaist each other for corporate relocations. *挑釁
怕不划算: 花太多錢, 且無力維持現有的生活品質(公共服務下降, 稅增加)
The concern ablut the deal is that cities and states are going to overspend for the deal so badly that they'll never break even.
(break the bank for the deal/ what money will you have left to maintain the quality of life that you have- either public services diminish, or taxs go up for everyone else.)
=> Corporate subsides, by one conservative estimate, top $70 billion a year. 
 That's what cities and states give away in foregone taxes and other concessions to companies - sometimes for the prospect of new jobs and sometimes just to keep existing ones.
This worry made its way into the mayoral race.
Seatle, the origianl home of Amazon, has seen its housing costs rise and traffic 
worsen with the company's growth to 40,000 employees there.
#soliciting/ a pre-existing chice / the realy day-to-day economic development activity/ the long, arduous work of grooming and nurturing locally grown business/ eye-popping 令人驚異, at the helm 掌舵, financial incentives

dirty air problem/ the most polluted countries
pollution levels/ rivel/ pollution problems
air quality index is unhealthy
1. 髒空氣的狀況已可跟世界級空汙糟的大城市比較
South Korea faces a chronical dirty air problem that makes it one of the most polluted countries in the world.

Seoul's air quality index was considered unhealthy for sensitive populations (such as children, the elderly and those with existing respiratory condition) on 78 days.
 A ranking released in February shows South Korea had the second worst air quality of all advanced nations. Soulth Korea's air is more than twice as polluted as the other nation's average.

2. 已可以和中國大城市比較

Seoul's pollution levels on some days rival those of Shanghai and Beijing, major Chinese cities whose pollution problems are well-documented.
It's common to hear that neighboring China is to blame, but a joint study by NASA and the Korean government has found there's a lot South Korea can do on its own to cut the smog.
China is an easy target for blame, as its industrial dust does drift across borders.
On many days of the year, a thick industrial haze blankets the capital city of Seoul, where some 25 million people live in the metropolitan area. The health effects can be seen in hospitals, with patients complainning of wheezing and caughing that won't goaway.
High concentrations in the air of PM2.5- fine particular matter that can get deep in your lungs- are a relatively common occurence in Soul.
They practices internal medicine at medical center.
The Korean government teamed up with NASA last year for the most ambitious sampling and study of Korean air quality to date.
NASA flew planes at various altitude above the peninsula, chasing dust for a month. This summer, NASA scientists returned to Seoul to begin sharing prelimary results.
They cant fly over China. The U.S. and Chinese governments are rivals when it comes to many militray and security issues, which inhibits flyovers.
The models did point to some interesting answers.
Our conclusion was that the local emissions are a strong source of ozone and small particles. The model said that over half of the air pollution is coming from local sources and the rest is coming from other countries.
Local sources include vehicle emissions, industrial sites and power plants. A majority of the pollution here is homegrown is acutally good in a key way.
You can't do anything about the trans-boundary pollution, whereas you can do something about your local sources.
The government is taking some action now.
1. THe president is overseeing a fine dust task force and is shuttering 10 of the country's oldest and most polluting coal plants.
2. The city issues fine dust alers over mobile phones to beeter inform residents of dangerous days.
  (The doctor believes growing public awareness of pollution is effective in imprvoing the air.)
i hope nad I expect some new change will be given to us.
Armed with (equipped with) more data about South Korea's pollutants, the battle to curb it can come from a place of knowledge.

PHOTOS: Keys Residents Face Devastated Homes, No Power And A Slow Recovery

returning home /retuned to inspect
devastated home -no power and no running water - shutters crushed and peeled away
everything was jammed into the front of the house in just one giant pile堆在一起
dig in the muck 汙泥/ painful task , salvage the room, amid the destruction, most intact thing

hard-hit / homes no longer livable
hurricane made landfal on 著陸 / it carries winds / the powerful storm surge 暴風雨, even more damaging 

A man saide: " It's more painful when I see my kid's stuff and personal items that have just been soaked and ruinted. That gets me more."

1. The hurricane landfalled to Florida last week, which carried strong squirling         and powerful storm surge.
2. And now the residents are returning their home to inspect.
    Most of the homes  now don't have no power and running power. 
3. They found their furniture and households items were jammed into one giant     pile in one part of the house. They are soaked and ruined. 
4. They plan to spend the foreseeable future sorting through the mixture of        
    debris and belongings by hand-clearing what they can - and hoping to stave         off the inevibale corrosion 侵蝕 from the saltwater.
flood in 人潮湧入,搜救 rescue efforts/團隊 search team/人員personnel,
努力working feverishly,, 救 拉出 pulled, 挖dig, 鏟子shovels & 十字鎬 picks, 帽子與背心 hard hats and fluorescents vests
story層樓 (three stories), wing 建築物一邊, pancaked 倒塌, 壓在上面 one right on top of the other,  殘骸 debris pile, 倒塌的大樓 damaged buildings,  rubbles that sit precarius 不穩定的碎石,剝落crumbling,老舊住宅 old abode building
生還 survival / alive (chances of survival is difficult 機會渺茫), 生還者survivors that were trapped , 獲救者 rescuers,掩埋 trapped, 死亡killed /dead, 
 地震powerful/strong earthquake, 心痛的 heartbreaking scene.計算done an accounting with,影響earthquake impact, 損失難以估計the loss is unsustainable (we are out of control, being able to correct or absorb the cost that's involved)
A strong earthquake that hit Mexico city and other central areas has killed at least 273 people. Search teams are working feverishly to find any survivors who were trapped. 地震 尋找
volunteers keep coming with hard hats and fluorescent vests.
They're removing the rubble with picks, shovels, their hands. And dozens more are taking in donations, feeding the rescuters. 志工幫忙 
[工地英文] 黃色帽子 螢光背心 鏟子 十字鎬
In addition to heavy rubbles that sits precariously in the debris pile, the efforts has been frustrated by heavy rain that fell overnight. The pancaked stories of building one right on top of the other, making the rescue effort and chances of survival very difficult.  
they have pulled dozens of survivors from damaged buildings. 

Miami 4th-Graders Write About Their Experiences With Hurricanes

 When the fourth-graders returned to school - tasked with writing their first essay -Topic is Hurricane.

(had worked out the introduction/ evidence paragraphs/was brainstorming ; draw out a timeline)

Drawings - talk about - write about

Start off - strike fear/disappointment/dismay 

1. Had a really good family time experience. 

    We always shoud stay safe, always try to remember that even if it seems like the world is all darkness, it's gonna be a way out.  Always, you may not see it, but it's there.

    Winds hawling around the house, the rain came on and off, lights flickiering on and off in the kitchen / devastated the internet and the cable - so they played board games

2. She and her mom evacated to Canada, but they had to wait 11 hours to get on the flight.

3. Her grandma's is called Irma, and now she wants to change her name.

4. The actual day of the hurriicane was boring, they played hide and seek and ate snacks.

5. A kid went sleep in a closet, and it's kind of hard sleeping there like you're always squished. But it was just for a day. With squirling winds outside.



1. 擁有金錢,並不代表一定會幸福。因為使用金錢而得到令人感到幸福事物,或是完成想做的事情,才是真正如假包換的幸福。



4.只要在心中不斷想著終於得到夢寐以求的東西,久而久之你就會相信自己有一天真的能得到。在你體內的赤子之心就是火苗; 具體的行動,就是夢想。

=> 重點是不要把某些幻想、願望、負面情緒,或其他應該保留給自己的資訊,家在伴侶身上,造成 
2. 浪漫的愛情,可以造就美好的婚姻
3. 外遇必定會毀滅婚姻
=> 外遇也不一定代表婚姻有問題
4. 有罪惡感時應該坦白
=> 如果你因為外遇而有罪惡感,最好的解決之道是坦白地說出證件是,告訴任何人都可以,只要你相信他能夠保守秘密,但絕對不要告訴你的另一半。
5. 夫妻不管做什麼事都要在一起
=> 永遠不要放棄自己的獨立性,但同時也易有團隊的精神,懂得和伴侶互相配合。
7. 幸福的婚姻仰賴完全的信任
8. 好的伴侶應該讓另一半快樂
=> 讓你快樂並不是你的另一半或任何人的責任,但你也不應允許任何人來破壞你能為自己創造的快樂。











12 hrs · 



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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