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Lame Liar
2011/07/18 16:21:02瀏覽314|回應0|推薦8

I told myself a pretty lie

That I'm so much better without you

My sky will always be blue and white

Fly up high         The only kite


I'm fine when I broke the rules

Breeze blew in room, still feel so cool

When I look in mirror there's a girl

Lost something is important, and I know


I'm such a lame liar

Hardly try to stop my tear

But they keep dropping     dropping faster

You aren't in photo, so it isn't photo

You aren't next to me, I can't smile any more

You are the happiest thing I ever own

Now I lost it...      where's the comfort?


I can be stronge and tough

Stood alone in this world

But the power isn't enough

Cause' I always break down

Everytime I know you're not come around 


I'm such a lame liar

Hardly try to stop my tear

But they keep dropping     dropping faster

You aren't in photo, so it isn't photo

You aren't next to me, I can't smile any more

You are the happiest thing I ever own

Now I lost it...      where's the comfort?


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