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Like father, like son! 郎朗與其父精彩的 鋼琴與二胡二重奏《賽馬》
2011/05/27 21:47:30瀏覽659|回應0|推薦2

Lang Lang plays duet with his father at The Carnigie Hall. He was on piano while his father was on erhu fiddle.

大陸著名鋼琴家郎朗於卡內基音樂廳的鋼琴獨奏音樂會演出,更與二胡演奏家的父親郎國任合奏 二胡—鋼琴二重奏國樂《賽馬》。

BBC 讚揚他可能是當代世界上最偉大的鋼琴家之一,當日父子倆你來我往,演奏出了駿馬飛騰、鬃毛聳立之場 面,全場掌聲雷動。他們用鋼琴交流對話,好像在告訴人們當年父親是如何教育兒子成長為 一 個 一 流音樂家的,場面溫馨美好,令全場觀眾耳目 一 新,叫好不絕。


1).鋼琴曲譜:請參閱Franz List(李斯特)  ETÜDEN  TEIL Ⅱ

(Paganini-Etüden) Ⅲ. La Campanella (鐘 練習曲),  page 130, 1978臺灣大陸書店出版(台北市衡陽路79號)

*這是李斯特 著名曲之一, 也是精湛的演出之一.



LISZT Etude de Concert no.3


2).鋼琴曲譜:請參閱Chopin(蕭邦) Etude Op.10 No.12(革命練習曲),page 53 ,By G.Shirmer,INC, New York, Copyright 1916. 

*這是蕭邦 著名曲之一, 也是精湛的演出之一.







* No 7.



(一).Because Song

Mario Lanza



Because you come to me with naught save love.
And hold my hand and lift mine eyes above.
A wider world of hope and joy I see.
Because you come to me.

Because you speak to me in accents sweet.
I find the roses waking round my feet.
And I am led through tears of joy to thee.
Because you speak to me.

Because God made thee mine, I'll cherish thee.
Through light and darkness through all time to be;
And pray his love may make our love divine,
Because God made thee mine.

* Download "Because" in mp3 format

().Auf Flügeln des Gesanges



作曲者:Felix Mendelssohn 1809~1847


F調6/8 Andante tranquillo

(Yoshikazu Mera)


(Hermann Prey~畫面呈現曲譜)




今夜星光燦爛(E lucevan le stelle)

盲人聲樂家 安德列 波切里(Andrea Bocelli)演唱



##3/4Andante lento appassionato molto

(注意聽discogliea中0延長音的美聲唱法- -太感動了, 讓人不自主地掉下眼淚)

E lucevan le stelle,
e olezzava la terra
stridea l'uscio dell'orto,
e un passo sfiorava la rena.
Entrava ella, fragrante,
mi cadea fra le braccia.
Oh! dolci baci, o languide carezze,
mentr'io fremente le belle forme discogliea dai veli!
Svani per sempre il sogno mio d'amore...
L'ora e fuggita e muoio disperato!
E non ho amato mai tanto la vita!

How the stars seemed to shimmer,
the sweet scents of the garden,
how the creaking gate whispered,
and a footstep skimmed over the sand,
how she then entered, so fragrant,
and then fell into my two arms!
Ah sweetest of kiss, languorous caresses,
while I stood trembling, searching her features
concealed by her mantle. My dreams of pure love,
forgotten forever! All of it's gone now!
I die hopeless, despairing, and never before
have I loved life like this!

( 知識學習其他 )
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