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2009/12/11 13:26:39瀏覽722|回應0|推薦1

98學年度上學期 英語科專業社群  第四次聚會
一、 時間:98年11月10日(10:00~11:00am)

二、  地點:社團辦公室 

三、  主席:劉瑞怜老師  紀錄:蔡瑩冠老師

四、  與會人員: 蔡瑩冠老師,楊善媛老師,徐溥徽老師,謝淑蓉老師,劉瑞怜老師,劉大衛老師




*The judges’ suggestions regarding the drama performance:

(1) It’s good to see a variety of themes in this year’s plays, e.g., ecological or environmental concerns, tradition vs. innovation, combating prejudice and stereotypes, voluntarism and disaster relief efforts.

(2) Give students more space for their creation. Trust the creative process by investing just as much, if not more, time on brainstorming and developing ideas.

(3) Create more conflicts between characters, which are what drama is about. If possible, spend some time establishing the characters. Have the conflict unfold in front of the audience’s eyes, instead of behind the scene.

(4) Avoid clichés, stereotypes (i.e., the ways in which certain ethnic/racial/cultural groups are depicted), profanity and discriminatory terms.

(5) Weave your talent, be it dancing or martial arts, into the creation of your play. Use prop more creatively, not just as background.

*With regard to the group speech, the judges had these suggestions for improvement regarding the content, teamwork, and language and speaker’s gestures:

(1) Write the speeches yourselves through researching and discussing together as a group.  Do research for your speeches carefully and responsibly. Do not fabricate data or use doubtful information to support the points in your speech.

(2) Team collaboration does not just refer to giving nonverbal support (nodding or smiling) to one another; it also means stepping in and continuing the speech when your teammates don’t know what to say. And, when showing your nonverbal support, do not go overboard. 

(3) Use gestures naturally and appropriately.  Cute or exaggerated gestures or gestures that are staged or memorized will not be received well by the audience.


(1) 英語話劇強調的是語言的表達,道具雖然某種程度上有畫龍點睛的作用,但並非一定要有華麗的布景或道具,空舞台也是戲劇表演的一種方式。

(2) 每個班級都有獎項,對學生的努力是一種鼓勵及肯定。

(3) 演員在英文發音上可以再做加強,台詞盡量不要使用冗長複雜的句子,音量上的控制也會影響演出品質。

(4) 劇本的編寫上要注意主題的凸顯,整齣劇結構的完整與流暢很重要。

台北縣崇光女中 辦理高中職優質化輔助方案活動檢討

方案名稱 教師專業社群

活動名稱 外交小尖兵及校內英語話劇比賽經驗分享 

地點 社團辦公室

活動時間 九十八年11月7日 星期二上午8時30 分至11 時30 分

檢討時間 九十八年11月10日 星期二 紀錄 蔡瑩冠老師

 活 動 結 果 :

1. 外交小尖兵準備過程極其辛苦,指導老師及參賽學生都戰戰兢兢卯足全力。雖然在初賽時失利,但是從中獲得的經驗可貴,也可提供給下一次帶隊的老師做為參考。

2. 校內英語話劇成果展圓滿落幕,各個班級分別展現各班特色,生動有趣,在演出過程中,同學參與性高,給予在台上的同學熱烈的回饋。

檢 討 與 建 議: <外交小尖兵部分>








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