好萊塢明星Tom Cruise(湯姆克魯斯)有誦讀困難,他無法閱讀劇本,全靠聽事先錄下的對白聲音來記臺詞。沒想到,驚世藝人在台灣也有耶!「情書有三成錯字」,豐功偉業啊,我真想學李敖用語模式說一句:「范瑋琪嫁那人可惜了!」
如果有人全然不認識字,我們稱這位仁兄是文盲。但是,缺乏閱讀習慣,只認得部份字,卻又不懂得利用它,不懂得改善生活與生命品質,這該叫甚麼呢?今天在台灣寶島,完全不識字的文盲已經是少數中的少數。依據內政部資料,2007年底,臺灣民眾識字者1848萬人,識字率97.63%,占同年度全世界排名第53名;勝過羅馬尼亞Romania 97.3%、香港Hong Kong 94.6%(第67名);中共China 90.9%(第85名)。
"We set out early with Intent to Run round the sd. Land but being taken in a Rain &it Increasing very fast obliged us to return. It clearning about one o’Clock & our time being too Precious to Loose we a second time ventured out & Worked hard till Night & then returned to pEnningtons we got our Suppoers & was Lighted in to a Room & I not being so good a Woodsman as the rest of my Company striped my slef very orderly & went in to the Bed as they call’d it when to my Surprize I found it to be northing but a Little Straw-matted together without Sheets or any thing else but only on Thread Bear blanket with double its Weight of Vermin such as Lice Feas & c. Had we not have been very Tired, Ia, sure we should not have slep’d much that night. I made a Promise not to Sleep so from that time forward chusing rather to sleep in the open Air before a fire as will Appear hereafter."
在西方,不以識字率來衡量人是否文盲,而是以閱讀與理解能力為標準。1988年美國「成年人識字調查」(National Adult Literacy Survey)結論報告說:21%-23%的美國成年人有嚴重誦讀困難。