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2016/04/19 14:19:18瀏覽1086|回應0|推薦2 | |
1002第1天環臺心得分享 終於,這一天還是來了。 這條最熟悉的華城坡是我們腳步的起點,今天,我們跨上單車,一如既往的向前踩,唯一不同的便是此刻心裡莫名燃起的激動。 路上家長此起彼落的加油聲對我來說是最溫暖的動力,他們撕扯著喉嚨好似那些傳向我們的聲音能將我們推得更遠,又或許是他們希望那些鼓舞能化作我們堅持下去的依靠。於是,我們開始了這段未知且青春洋溢的旅程。 騎到了被群山環繞著的二格公園,深邃平靜的山巒間彷彿蘊藏著大自然最純粹的樣貌,我們在好不容易抵達的空地享受生理上的喘息與休憩,更在當前美景獲得心靈上的放鬆。 騎到了中國味濃厚的坪林茶業博物館,淡淡的包種茶香混合四合院建築中婉約穩重的江南庭院之美,帶給我們書卷氣息滿佈的文化之旅。 一天的最後,我們騎到了北宜公路的越嶺點——石牌縣界公園,於此眺望陰雨綿綿之中的蘭陽平原,雖說少了一股夏日的生氣,朦朧之美卻真實的映入眼簾。 第一天不長不短的行程在暖暖的溫泉池中結束,女孩們興奮而滿足的心靈似乎掩埋了身體的疲勞。而接下來的兩個禮拜我們更要在踩踏之中,發現更多隱藏的台灣之美。 The day has finally come. Hua Cheng road, the most familiar road for us, is the starting point of our journey. Today, we get on our bike and pedaled as usual, however, the intense excitement, burning in our hearts, make the day so un-usual. The parents’ cheer and encouragement on the road are the warmest force that keeps us going. They used all the power in their body yelling and cheering as if the force can push us further and higher. Or maybe they hoped the encouragements could turn into something that we can rely on. Then, we started our youthful and hot-blooded journey. Arriving at the Er- Ger park, we are surrounded by hills and mountains. The serenity between the hills contains the most original look of nature. Not only do we receive physical relief at the open platform, but we also obtain spiritual relaxation from the gorgeous scenery. When we arrived at Ping-Lin Tea Museum, the sweet scent of Pouchong tea with Chinese garden beauty led us to a cultural journey covered with bookish interest. At the end of the day, we reached the crossing point of Taipei-Yilan highway. Looking down to the Lanyang Plain, the beauty in the haze certainly came into view though lacking of summer’s vitality. Our first day journey, not too long and not too short, ended in the cozy hot spring water. The girls’ chirpy and satisfied souls seem to cover up the body exhaustion. In the upcoming 11 days, we are going to explore more hidden beauty of Taiwan by our pedals. |
( 在地生活|大台北 ) |