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2016/04/24 18:25:20瀏覽1065|回應0|推薦0



The day was hot, the road long. Even if our bodies were strong and healthy, our minds and energy were still being drained by the beating of the sun as well as the constant start and stop rhythm of our Kaohsiung/Tainan escapade. Nonetheless, every 10th grader today had only one thing in mind, and that is to reach the Confucius Temple to attend our once in a lifetime Coming of Age Ceremony. The morning was sluggish, with 50 kilometers of urban roads. Every 200 meters or so, the group would be forced to stop and wait until the light turns green. By noon, we had ridden for around 4 hours, but we finally made it to our destination. The first stop before the temple was a school adjacent to it. There lunch was waiting for us. However, the first sight that caught our eyes were the warm and energetic welcome of our elated parents, each with smiles on their faces and sparkles in their eyes. Now, together, we face today's main event. We walk eagerly towards the temple after lunch, ready to take on the ceremony. Hundred of bystanders look on as 300 students and teachers stand proudly during the various phases of the ceremony. Finally, during the last stage, us students kneel as our parents place the symbolic crown atop our heads. At this moment, many students had an epiphany: We have really grown up. We're not the young innocent children we used to be, and we should start acting like the adults we have become. After 16 years of dedication on their parts to raise us, the tables have finally turned. It's now our turn to take care of them, and return the favor. The future is now, and through today, we have officially grown into the adults our parents, teachers, and society want and expect us to be.

( 在地生活大台北 )
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