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【2018單車環臺】DAY10─10B 人生逆風 勇敢面對 突破自我
2018/04/26 14:06:48瀏覽1197|回應0|推薦1



    Days went by, the cycling trip is now coming to the end. Throughout the two weeks, we smiled, we cried, we rode and we learnt. 

   Climbing up hilly terrains from Taichung to Hsinchu while facing strong head wind pushed us to our physical limits and tested our mental endurance. We were stressed out. But even in the hardest times, we did not forgot to watch out for and look after our classmates. We took turns as the lead-out man to ride in the front of the group, putting ourselves against the heavy and chilling wind. Watching out for each other and working as a team are one of the most unforgettable and touching memories.

    Riding a bicycle itself is a challenge for most of us at the beginning. Cycling around the island is one even greater. But through training, teamwork, unity and determination, we have managed to finish every single ride together and conquer the most treacherous trails. We have came a long way, and the time spent with each other, the laughters, the tears shall forever be with us for the rest of time.
( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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