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【2018單車環臺】DAY06─10F 團結的情感 共同突破疲憊艱困的心
2018/04/23 14:59:06瀏覽1380|回應0|推薦1





   “Pushed through Shouka, today should be easier, right?” That’s what our naive selves imagined before we hopped onto our bikes. After we conquered 116km of long, endless roads, a lot of us ran out of energy. However, the reality is far from what we expected it to be: 104 km of straight and lasting roads still awaits us ahead. The alarm blasted at 6 in the morning, dragging our stiffened legs towards the restaurant, “stiffened” cannot describe how our legs felt, instead it is rock solid. The only thing that stayed the same is our darked, burnt skin. From being our noisy selves to silently staring at our plates (especially waiting in line for empty jars of milk), our complaints slowly faded away. Is it because we accepted or got used to the tiredness? Or are we simply too tired to say a single word? No one knows. Perhaps we just chose to accept the truth and gave up or useless thoughts.

   Sitting on to our bikes seats, it felt as if there were torches beneath our buttocks. “Ready? Take off!” we yelled with passion, hoping we could get through the day easily. But again, we were completely wrong. Simple? There is no such thing during this trip. The endless uphill from the start, everyone’s fragile willpower were slowly released. The sun is so bright, the weather is so hot, our battered emotions has reached its peak. FInally, we arrived at the first rest stop: Jialu elementary. Putting up a face, everyone stacked up their bikes and went to find our leader. Just as we were about the complain, we peered up and saw some kids riding unicycles. They glanced strangely at us, as if they were telling us: “Are you guys really that tired? I don’t think so”. After looking at them, we stopped ourselves from complaining. Instead of whining about how bad the trip is, why not try to enjoy the journey and had fun? Everyone’s mood seemed to lighten up after we encountered the kids. Although the hot sun has made us sweaty and the garments are very uncomfortable, our whining have gradually become relentless and the atmosphere has become much more enjoyable.

   In Pingtung, there are no skyscrapers or any traffic. Short houses and people chatting and playing around outside are the only things we saw. Indeed, Pingtung is not as prosperous as Taipei, and people are relatively simple. Here we feel the hospitality and passion. When we train in Taipei, people on the roadside always give us a strange look, while in Pingtung, the kids we passed and the truck drivers passing by always cheers us on.  Seeing the smiles on their faces, no matter how tired, how hard this trip is, we must go on. They wholeheartedly wish us to succeed, we shall take this wish back to Taipei.

   We ate our lunch and had our first cold drink during this trip. After a short break, we again hopped onto our bikes and headed towards Gaoxiong. Although the distance is short, Gaoxiong and Pingtung are completely different. After a few days of riding on the countryside roads, we felt as if we arrived to another planet when we arrived in Gaoxiong city. "Red Light cut off!" Everyone in the team shouted. This tested, not only our physical ability and mentality, but our attention and response capability.

    Because of the heavy and messy traffic, everyone got the chance to become the head of the team and lead everyone to move ahead. With words of encouragement, our friendship with each other seems to have taken one step closer. Even though we were all exhausted when we arrived to the hotel, the smiles on our faces were genuine. Once again, this day proves that the best outcomes comes down to teamwork.
( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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