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【2018單車環臺】DAY01─10A 堅定的自信 展翅飛翔的環台夢
2018/04/18 09:17:27瀏覽1099|回應0|推薦2




2018/4/16 was a date worth for a memory because it was the beginning of the Cycling trip around Taiwan, parents were there to cheer for us and send us off, which boosted my confidence. However, needless to say the journey wasn’t that relaxing for us, in fact we are exhausted on the first day already.    

During the journey, we encountered numerous slopes, despite it wasn’t steeper than Huacheng Road, we felt the same exact exhaustion due to the long distance. Luckily, rest of the roads were downhill, despite the roads were extremely curved, I felt very relaxing.

    I believed the remaining 11 days I will encounter more challenges, including a place called “Shou-Ka“, which was a devil challenge. I have to be prepared, hopefully I can be able to overcome these challenges. Although I am not an athletic person, I believe that I can do this!

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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