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WTF official smears Taiwanese athlete! Taiwan did not cheat in Asian Games!
2010/11/22 18:20:56瀏覽680|回應0|推薦4

Outrage! WTF official smears Taiwanese athlete!
by  Apple Action News  2010.11.20

Yang Shu-chun was disqualified amid controversy at the Asian Games in Guangzhou,
 China.World Taikwondo Federation (WTF) Secretary-General Yang Jin-Suk called
her a cheater. But he repeatedly contradicted himself.

First he said old-model sensor socks she wore were banned. Then he said she
stuck the sensors in the wrong place. But all the sensors were manufactured to
 Korean design with pre-cut sensor patches, impossible to misplace. The sensor
material was imported direct from the designer.

Still the secretary general insisted that Yang cheated by sticking illegal
sensors on her heels. But the pictures tell a different story.

A judge said Yang's new model socks were not sensitive enough. She only passed
 equipment inspection after she changed to old-model socks.

But before the bout, another judge told her to remove the sensors on her heels.
 She complied. The recording of the bout tells the whole story. There was no
sensor patchs on Yang Shu-chun's heels during the match.

Yang dominated the match 9-0 before she was wrongfully disqualified. Yang and
her coach asked for a thorough investigation, which the secretary denied.

Chinese Taipei coach Liu slammed the WTF saying they cannot explain why Yang
is disqualified.

According to the Apple Daily's phone poll, almost 80 percent of Taiwanese
support the boycott of Korean goods over this incident. The people of Taiwan
 are rallying behind Yang Shu-chun.

聲援楊淑君,寄信給自己的朋友及國際友人! [中日對照版] 

聲援楊淑君,寄信給自己的朋友及國際友人! [中英對照版]

信件主旨:台灣在亞運沒有作弊! Taiwan did not cheat in Asian Games!

Dear my friend,
台灣的跆拳道選手「楊淑君」,在 2010 年的亞運會上,遭主辦單位以「作弊」為
In 2010 Asian Games, Yang Shu-Chun, a Taiwanese taekwondo player, was accused "cheating" and disqualified by the Organizer. According to the Organizer, Yang lost her qualification because she had additional sensors on the heels of her electronic socks, which violated the rules of the game.

However, that doesn't reflect the real truth.

以下這段 YouTube 影片是當天的全程實況錄影。
The following YouTube video is the live video of that match.


如您所見,從影片 2'10" 到 2'35" 的片段中,楊淑君在試踢之後,已依照主辦單位的指示拔除腳跟上的感應器。因此,楊淑君絕對沒有在正式比賽時使用未經主辦單位許可的電子襪,當然也沒有「作弊」的問題。
From 2'10" to 2'35", as you can see, Yang removed the sensors on her heels per the request of the Organizer after the kick test. Hence, Yang has never used any electronic socks unauthorized by the Organizer during the formal competition, there is definitely no "cheating" problem.

The following video made by Apple News explains the differences between WTF official's flawed accusation and the real truth.



I sincerely hope your could see the truth through this video Although the Organizer and Asian Taekwondo Union issued many news releases to emphasize the "correctness" of the Organizer's decision. However, "truth talks louder than words." I believe these videos can completely reveal the truth.

Truth: The sensors on the heels have been removed as required, BEFORE THE FORMAL COMPETITION.

試  問:在比賽中沒有使用到的感應器,可以作為判定選手失格的依據嗎?
Question: Could any sensors that have never been used in the formal competition be used to disqualify the player?

Taiwanese player didn't cheat. Taiwan is never a country pursuing winning by cheating or playing tricks.

Thank you for reading this letter. I hope you could help to forward this letter to your friends to help the world to know the truth, and give Taiwan the justice she shall have.

祝 順心

Sincerely yours,


Follow Up to CNN report "Taiwan fury after athlete's Asian Games disqualification in China"

iReport —

Hi there,


As a follow-up to your report

"Taiwan fury after athlete's Asian Games disqualification in China"


I'd like to raise the following facts:


1. Yang and her coach and even the Taiwanese Ministery of Sports were not aware (or notified) of the illegality of the said socks prior to the match.


2. Yang was asked, by the referee, to change the socks she was wearing initially (first pair, new model); she then changed into her 2nd pair of 'illegal' socks (old model),

which were inspected, signed off and deemed 'ok' by the inspectors.


3. Both Yang and Vu performed 'test kicks' immediately prior to the match ;

their kicks and therefore sock sensors were confirmed 'ok'


**The images/video show that the sock sensors were removed prior to the match.

So how was it that Yang was disqualified because of them?**


Please look through these images captured from a video clip taken during

Yang Shu-chun's match with her opponent Vu Thi Hau.


(image captures taken from




The video clip (on youtube):





******** 2010/11/19 update - more facts ********



1.  World Taekwondo Federation Secretary-General stated that the use of  Yang's first pair of socks (old model) is in fact NOT banned.


However,  the sensors on this particular pair (Yang was wearing) were 'incorrectly'placed/positioned  on the heels of the socks. And Yang allegedly misplaced the sensors  deliberately with the intention of scoring more points.


2.  WTF failed to explain how Yang could have passed the inspection with  misplaced sensors ; and is claiming that Yang put on the sensors  manually AFTER the inspection.


3.  WTF also failed to convince how Yang could have done so under the  watchful eyes of all those present during the match, not to mention the  window of opportunity needed for pulling off this "shocking act of deception."


4.  Judging from the image posted in the update (link below),  the said sensors were taken off of  Yang's socks after the test kicks / prior to the match.



Image taken from


******** 2010/11/21 update - more facts ********

1. The Asian Taekwondo Union website blocks all connection requests coming from Taiwan

( 時事評論人物 )
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