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奇蹟 The Wonders / Le meraviglie 2014
2014/07/12 05:43:02瀏覽536|回應0|推薦15


故事是說:對Gelsomina和她的三個妹妹來說,夏天過後,一切都會不同.她們與父母一同生活在翁布里亞的一座小村莊裡,Gelsomina的父親親手打造了一個隱蔽的(世外桃源),讓他的家人免受(世界末日)之苦.然而,這個夏天,他們一貫以來的艱苦的生活方式,卻一點點分崩離析.年輕德國男孩Martin的到來,以及當地人熱衷於參加"Village Wonders"電視有獎節目的風氣,逐漸開始影響Gelsomina一家的生活...

(Nothing will be the same at the end of this summer for Gelsomina and her three younger sisters. She is the designated heir of the strange, secluded kingdom that her father constructed around them to protect his family from “the end of the world”. An extraordinary summer, when the strict rules that hold the family together, are beginning to break: in part due to the arrival of Martin, a German boy on a youth rehabilitation program, and in part the local community's participation in a TV competition for big prizes “Village Wonders”, presented by the mysterious Milly Catena.)

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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