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圍捕 La Rafle / The Round Up 2010
2014/08/23 05:53:07瀏覽1288|回應0|推薦24


(這是我介紹納粹屠殺猶太人電影,的最後一部.我介紹這些由(非美國猶太資本家)拍攝的猶太被迫害電影,只希望...猶太人記住,不要成為加害者.同時,當你看過所有西方拍的猶太電影時,不要覺得...為何義大利人拍的'美麗人生La Vie est belle '居然用搞笑的方式,美化一個猶太人被屠殺的悲慘故事!)


Jo Weisman, a young Jewish Parisian, and his family are taken by the Nazis and Vichy collaborators in the rafle du Vel' d'Hiv . Anna Traube, a 20 year old woman, walks out of the velodrome with forged papers; her mother and sister are captured. Annette Monod , a Protestant nurse, volunteers for the velodrome, and assists Jewish doctor David Sheinbaum. From the Vélodrome d'Hiver Jo's family and Sheinbaum are transferred to the Beaune-la-Rolande internment camp . Monod comes along. She does what she can to help the children, who are soon falling sick from the camp diet and conditions.

The parents are dispatched by train to supposed "work camps in the East" (in reality the extermination camps ), and Sheinbaum too. Monod wants to come along, but Sheinbaum talks her out of it. After some time authorities announce that for humanitarian reasons the children will be reunited with their parents in the east (in reality the adults have already been killed, and they are now going to kill the children). Some children believe they will rejoin their parents. However, Jo and another boy, Pavel, escape under barbed wire, taking along money that the family had hidden in the toilets along with their valuables.

While the other children are being taken away, a doctor treats Monod, who is now sick herself. The doctor informs Monod that the Resistance has now learned the true fate of the deported Jews. When Monod hears what happens to them, she races after the children despite her sick condition. But she finds the train has just gone.

After the war, Monod searches for survivors at the Hôtel Lutetia . She finds Jo, who has survived and is to be adopted by a family, and a younger boy Noé, to whom she had also been close. He had somehow slipped out of the group of children taken away on the train to the extermination camps.(戰爭結束後,Monod在Lutetia旅館,發現被收養的 Jo Weisman,...)


Photo of Zanoli family in Holland in 1942, where they saved a Jewish boy from Nazis. From Yad Vashem. Henk Zanoli, now 91, is second from right

Henk Zanoli


這是關於人道主義最難以承受的悲劇: 70年前,他救了猶太小孩;70年後,他的親人被以軍炸死.

Henk Zanoli——因70年前在納粹集中營中救出猶太兒童,獲以色列頒發「國際義士」獎章的荷蘭老者,他說:如果繼續保留這個獎章,將是對家族莫大的侮辱。

91歲的荷蘭老者Henk Zanoli,是一名專業律師,因在德國佔領期間拯救一名猶太小孩而成為正義化身,但他在上週四退回他所獲頒的「國際義士」獎章,因為他的六個親戚在上個月以色列轟炸加薩的行動中喪生。

2011年,“Yad Vashem 納粹大屠殺博物館”宣布 Henk Zanoli和他母親 Johana Zanoli-Smit,在納粹佔領荷蘭期間拯救了一名猶太小孩Elhanan Pinto。從1943年春天直到1945年盟軍解放荷蘭,1932年出生的Pinto一直藏在Zanoli家裡,那時,Pinto的父母都死在集中營裡。


Zanoli的姪女Angelique Eijpe目前是派駐歐曼的荷蘭外交官,她的夫婿 Ismail Ziadah是生於加薩中部al-Bureij難民營的經濟學家,他們育有三名子女。Ziadah的雙親出生在Fallujah(現今Kiryat Gat城)他的父親死於1987年,他的母親今年70歲,和其他家人一起住在加薩。

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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