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The Best of Eastern Europe
2019/05/31 09:39:55瀏覽1086|回應1|推薦3

The Best of Eastern Europe

(4-29-2019 to 5-12-2019)

四月28日,内人與我從Houston 出發,先飛London,再轉機飛Berlin, Germany. 參加了The Best of Eastern Europe (Globus Tour). 號稱是14天的行程,但是旅遊公司還是依慣例兩頭種樹等於加了一或兩天。可以替導遊和駕駛多收些小費吧。

我們在2017年五月參加了另一東歐國家旅遊團,但實際是安排去Balkan 區域的幾個國家,包括了早期南斯拉夫分裂出來的幾個國家, 外加Slovenia,Slovakia,Austria,Albania,Bulgaria and Greece.所以我們覺得還要參加這次的旅遊團。從Berlin, Germany 出發,最後再回到Berlin, Germany 上飛機經London轉機返回Houston .


Houston 出發,飛到英國倫敦機場轉機飛往柏林。在下午時間抵達,經由導遊接待乘Coach 去到柏林的酒店。晚間參加了旅遊簡報會議和歡迎的晚餐。當時就感覺到柏林還是很冷,華氏四、五十度左右。這𥚃Houston 不能說是同一季節。


旅遊行程正式展開。上午由當地的地陪導遊帶我們去看柏林巿區的重要景點。在此不多詳述,請看看上貼的照片。柏林是個世界有名的城市,二次大戰後,蘇聯控制東德和東柏林,美國控制了西德和西柏林。有名的柏林圍牆(建於1961813日)全長167.8 公里。把它分成東西柏林直到美國雷根總統呼籲蘇聯和東德政府拆除圍牆。東德政府終於在19906月拆除了圍牆,以及達成了往後東西德的統一。

我們對柏林印象不錯,德國畢竟是個工業強國。市容整潔,政府也在以前的東柏林區,大大的投資都更,許多是拆除舊有的建築物,新造現代化的大樓。也有許多在舊的建築物上,重新改換外觀,所謂的Face lift。使曾經在共產國家統治下的東柏林能夠追上西德的現代化標準。

下午我們也參加了另外付費的行程,去到位於Potsdam 有名的Sanssouci Palace Cecilienhof Palace.此地是二次大戰後美國的杜魯門總統,蘇聯的總書記史大林,和英國的首相邱吉爾共同聚首會議並發表歷史聞名的波茨坦宣言的所在地。


我們前往波蘭的首都華沙,中途經過早期曾經是波蘭首都的Poznan. 參觀了有歷史的City Square和觀看了市府大樓塔上的大鐘敲中午時刻的特色。由兩隻山羊互相頂撞山羊角,非常有趣。



由華沙的地陪,帶領我們遊覧了市區廣場,文藝復興時代的舊城區,以及14世紀的Cathedral of St. John。然後去了遺留下來的猶太人區。最後付費參觀了Royal Castle .當時警衞森嚴。原來是波蘭的總統先生那時正在Royal Castle.此地位於城市中心附近,我們認為應該包括在團費內,另外收費有些不妥。



我們一早去到了Częstochowa,參訪了Jasna Gora monastery。此地是波蘭有名的聖地。前教宗John Paul II 就是從此教區出身的紅衣主教。下午去到了Auschwitz, 參觀了慘絕人寰,消滅猶太人的集中營。德國納粹沒有人性的作為,是我們今日文明社會不能再容許發生的事。我們晚間去到了Krakow, 這裡在早期也曾是波蘭的首都。在西元1039 年從Poznan 遷移到Krakow 直到1596年。


上午參加了另外付費的行程,去到了位於Wielicia, Poland Wieliczka salt mines.此鹽礦是波蘭最古老的鹽礦,大約七百年了。礦深約135公尺。目前是有名的觀光景點。礦石是灰色鹽混合在花崗岩中。現在礦坑洞和坑道中有許多的礦石雕刻藝術品。世界上最大的地下教堂就在此地。

下午去到了Krakow 市區,Kazimierz Quarter, 以及參訪了14世紀的St. Mary Church.

晚上參加了另外付費有表演歌舞的晚餐。我的內人和我也加入Polka dance.我更被邀加入了當地的遊戲,和表演跳舞的女子,同時跪在地上作秀,當然我就大賺了幾個Kiss.


一早出發開往匈牙利的首都布達佩斯。 中途經過了Slovakia 的山區公路。中午在Donovaly 的一處滑雪勝地午餐。由於位於海拔三千多英呎高,所以碰到有下雪花的中午景色。餐後繼續南駛前往布達佩斯。晚間在首都參加了另外付費的Dinner cruise on the Danube River. 在此第一次吃到了東歐有名的Goulash (Beef stew). 的確是一流的好吃。布達佩斯是我念小學時就知道的城市。記得1956年匈牙利的革命,沒有得到西方民主國家的支援協助,相反的蘇聯老大哥的坦克車則開進了布達佩斯,鎮壓了為了爭取民主的革命運動人民。現在來到了匈牙利的首都布達佩斯,真是另我們驚訝,市區以Danube River 分開Buda Pest 兩大區。市區河畔兩岸的建築物非常美麗壯觀,尤其晚間燈火通明,更是反映出輝煌的兩岸景緻。許多River Cruise 的遊船在此城設有停靠,所以市區到處可見來訪的觀光客。對於市區的經濟是有幫助的。


今天是整個市區景點的遊覧,13 世紀Matthias Coronation Church, and Heroes Square, etc.根據地陪的介紹,河西邊的區域是Buda, 多為小丘,建築開發較新,較高級的住宅多在此區,相對的也較為河東的Pest 區域富有許多。Pest 區域有較多的老城,政府所在地和工業區。總之我們對布達佩斯印象很好。




今天我們自由活動。自己買了捷運系統地鐵的來回票,重回St. Stephen’s Cathedral 附近的觀光區一遊。給兒子,媳婦,孫女和孫子每人買了一件同款的T-shirt。維也納是歐洲重要的旅遊重點。奧地利是歐洲比較富有的國家,維也納有許多外地來的觀光客,為奧地利增加了許多的財政收入。


一早出發前往西北方向的捷克首都布拉格。前三分之一的路段是開對頭車的小路,原來是為了去一個古老的小城(被列為世界遺產古蹟),Telc, Czech Republic.此地在13世紀發展成立。Town Square 旁的房子是建築於16世紀,另有一文藝復興時代所建的古堡。在Telc做了兩小時的遊覽,然後直接駛往布拉格。晚上參加了另外付費的夜景遊覧。我們歩行遊走了Charles Bridge 以及Vitava River 兩岸附近的街景。這個行程,我們認為應該包括在團費內,另外收費有些不妥。


今天遊覧布拉格市區,地陪帶著我們去了Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague Astronomical Clock, Old Town Square 等景點。布拉格的確比我們想像中美好。根據導遊所說,捷克在東歐算是較富有的國家。國內有許多的工業和出口第一的汽車製造業。因為上次旅遊到Albania Bulgaria ,對這些共產國家留有落後西方國家二,三十年的印象。所以認為捷克也是較為落後的國家,但是現在進歩甚多,大有不同。


今日一早向柏林出發,途中我們去到了Dresden, 此城市在19452月被聯軍轟炸待盡。往後也在德國政府努力下重新恢復了這個有歷史的城市。我們遊覧了Zwinger Palace, Semper Opera 等有歷史價值的建築物。今天下小雨,烏雲滿天,使得整個城市更顯得老舊. 停留了數小時,我們在黃昏時刻返回了起奌的柏林酒店。


今天一早天尚未亮,4 am 導遊和我們夫婦在酒店大廳等候Uber 駕駛, 當然是賓士小轎車,一路送我們去柏林的國際機場,乘早班飛倫敦轉休士敦的航班. 我們飛倫敦幾次,但都沒有在市區上空飛行過,這次有幸在空中飛過,了解倫敦也是個非常現代化的大城市。

Part of the Berlin Wall left for tourist.

Part of the Berlin Wall left for tourist.

The US Army Check Point.

The Checkpoint Charlie Museum is a private museum in Berlin.

Brandenburg Gate
Berlin, Germany

The US Army Check Point.

Red Guard check point.

Victory Column.
Berlin, Germany

Bellevue and its side wings
Berlin, Germany
Bellevue Palace (German: Schloss Bellevue), located in Berlins Tiergarten district, has been the official residence of the President of Germany since 1994.

Theatre in Berlin.

German parliament
Berlin, Germany

Sanssouci Palace. (Potsdam)

Schloss Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam.

Schloss Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam.

Potsdam meeting room.

Poznan city hall, the old capital of Poland.

Poznan city hall, the old capital of Poland.

St. Anne’s Church.
Warsaw, Poland.

Canola oil ???
Rapeseed, also known as rape, oilseed rape, and, in the case of one particular group of cultivars, canola, is a bright-yellow flowering member of the family Brassicaceae, cultivated mainly for its oil-rich seed. It is the third-largest source of vegetable oil and second-largest source of protein meal in the world.

Palace of Culture and Science
Warsaw, Poland.

Royal Castle was totally destroyed by Germany during WWII.
It took 35 years to rebuild the Royal Castle.
Warsaw, Poland

The ballroom of Royal Castle.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Uprising Monument in Krasiński Square in Warsaw,Poland.

Old market square.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw try to catch up with Western Europe countries either by rebuilding or giving a facelift.

The Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa, Poland, is a famous Polish shrine to the Virgin Mary and one of the countrys places of pilgrimage. The image of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa, also known as Our Lady of Częstochowa, to which miraculous powers are attributed, is one of Jasna Góras most precious treasures.

The Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa, Poland,

Pope John Paul II Parents Statue.
Czestochowa, Poland

Auschwitz concentration camp.
Auschwitz, Poland

Auschwitz concentration camp.
Auschwitz, Poland

Town Hall Tower,
City Square of Krakow, Poland.

St. Marys Basilica
Main Square of Krakow, Poland.

The Cloth Hall.
Krakow, Poland.

The Cloth Hall.
Krakow, Poland.

The old salt mine.
Wielicia , Poland.

The old salt mine.
Wielicia , Poland.

The largest church under ground in the salt mine chamber. Wielicia, Poland.

Polka party and dinner.

Polka party and dinner.

Polka party and dinner.

Polka party and dinner.

We got very light snow flakes, Conovaly, Slovakia
(Elevation 3150 ft)

We got pretty blonde Slovakia girl.

Danube River
Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian parliament building.

Hungarian parliament building.

Heroes Square,
Budapest, Hungary

The Halászbástya or Fishermans Bastion is a terrace in neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque style situated on the Buda bank of the Danube, on the Castle hill in Budapest, around Matthias Church. It was designed and built between 1895 and 1902 on the plans of Frigyes Schulek.

Sándor Palace,
Budapest, Hungary.

Matthias Church
Budapest, Hungary.

St. Stephens Cathedral
Vienna, Austria.

The Hofburg is the former principal imperial palace of the Habsburg dynasty rulers and today serves as the official residence and workplace of the President of Austria. It is located in the center of Vienna and was built in the 13th century and expanded several times afterwards.

Spanische hofreitschule
Spanish Riding School.
Vienna, Austria

The Albertina is a museum in the Innere Stadt of Vienna, Austria. It houses one of the largest and most important print rooms in the world with approximately 65,000 drawings and approximately 1 million old master prints, as well as more modern graphic works, photographs and architectural drawings.

St. Peters Catholic Church.
Vienna, Austria

State Opera House
Vienna, Austria

Zacharias of Hradec Square.
Telc, Czech Republic.

Zacharias of Hradec Square.
Telc, Czech Republic.

Zacharias of Hradec Square.
Telc, Czech Republic.

Strahov Monastery (Czech: Strahovský klášter) is a Premonstratensian abbey founded in 1143 by Jindřich Zdík, Bishop John of Prague, and Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia. It is located in Strahov, Prague, Czech Republic

The Prague city evening view from the up hill.

On the Charles Bridge over Vitava River
Prague, Czech Republic.

The Petrín Lookout Tower.
The so-called “Eiffel Tower” in Prague, Czech Republic.

Prague Castle.

Prague Castle.

Prague Castle.

St. Vitus Cathedral.
Prague Castle.

St. Vitus Cathedral.
Prague Castle.

Old Town Square.
Prague, Czech Republic

The Old Town Square Tower.
Prague, Czech Republic

The Old Town Square and the Astronomical Clock.
Prague, Czech Republic

Church of Our Lady Before Týn
The old town square.
Prague, Czech Republic

Vltava River

Prague, Czche Republic

Vltava River (Tour Director - Martina)

Prague, Czech Republic

Dresden Castle
Dresden, Germany

Dresden, Germany
DescriptionThe Zwinger is a palace in the German city of Dresden, built in Baroque style and designed by court architect Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann. It served as the orangery, exhibition gallery and festival arena of the Dresden Court. The location was formerly part of the Dresden fortress of which the outer wall is conserved.

Semperoper Dresden
The Semperoper is the opera house of the Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden and the concert hall of the Staatskapelle Dresden. It is also home to the Semperoper Ballett. The building is located near the Elbe River in the historic centre of Dresden, Germany.

Dresden Castle
Dresden, Germany




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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
上個世紀? 就走了Globus 東歐六國。
2022/06/19 16:20
當年 樓乃基 乃 德州 公路局 上班。 組了 19 人 Houston 團﹐成了 Globus 主力。

當時 波蘭 尚無 高速公路。

近日 又參加 了 Viking 多瑙河 重遊 Pudapest﹐Vienna。 行程 差了 上一次 太多。  https://classic-blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/174684689
