當災難發生的時候, 請不要忽略這些無法自己發求救文,上媒體的小朋友。 我們聽不到,牠們的哭喊與恐懼, 我們不知道,牠們的害怕與絕望…… 牠們要的不多, 牠們只需要你/妳一點小小的關注與愛心。 可不可以,給牠們一點點,你/妳的關懷?
中央社 - 動物救援小組成立網路平台 集資搶救水災落難狗 更新日期:2009/08/10
中央社記者程啟峰高雄10日電 - 莫拉克颱風重創南台灣,災情慘重,高屏地區多個民間收容流浪動物的狗園也是慘兮兮,台灣動物緊急救援小組今天成立物資匯整平台募集物資,協助受災狗場善後。
THOUSANDS OF DOGS IN SHELTERS AFFECTED BY TYPHOON MORAKOT IN SOUTHERN TAIWAN Platform created by ARTT to help dogs victimized by devastating floods and winds by Central News Agency 2009/08/10
Kaohsiung, Aug. 10 (CNA) The Animal Rescue Team Taiwan (ARTT), a non-profit civilian animal rescue group, appealed to the public Monday for relief supplies to save dogs kept in shelters that survived the flooding triggered by Typhoon Morakot.
The group has created a new Chinese-language Web page at www.savedogs.org to provide updated information on typhoon-affected privately-run shelters in Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties, volunteers from ARTT told the Central News Agency.
At present, the group has received reports that at least 10 shelters were damaged, leaving over 1,000 dogs trapped by floods and more than 100 dogs drowned or missing.
"The survivors are mostly suffering from low temperatures after being rescued from the floods," ARTT said.
ARTT said other volunteers have visited the flooded shelters and taken pictures to document how they have been affected by Morakot's strong winds and heavy rains that pummeled southern Taiwan over the weekend.
They hope that through the Web page, animal lovers will know how badly the dogs and their caregivers need help, and what they need to survive.
The shelters' primary needs at present are medical supplies, old sheets, drinking water, dog food and financial support, as well as volunteers who can help shelter keepers rebuild the dogs' homes.
ARTT volunteers said humans have not been the only victims of the disaster. Stray dog shelters have been devastated and suffered great losses but the media and rescue personnel have ignored the dogs' plight.
Animal Rescue Team TAIWAN warned that more dogs will die if the shelters do not quickly receive relief supplies and help to restore and disinfect the shelters.
看到這樣的照片,忍不住心酸落淚! 我不想多說甚麼, 只希望和我有同樣心情的人 大家動起來,一個小小的幫助都不能少呀! 我堅信,在無邊的黑暗裡 每一顆善良的心一定會閃閃發亮!
台灣動物緊急救援小組網站: http://www.savedogs.org/
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