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【砸鍋賣鐵也要買】Quinny Hubb Duo 兄弟姐妹-雙人兒童推車-活動折扣中-兒童推車評價
2020/10/23 21:20:31瀏覽41|回應0|推薦0



而且滿常辦活動送更多優惠,向Quinny Hubb Duo 兄弟姐妹/雙人兒童推車











Quinny Double Stroller Hubb Duo 設計式樣: Ochre on Graphite · 2019

With its extremely narrow width of only 57 cm and its sturdy chassis, the Maxi-Cosi Hubb cuts an exceptionally fine figure as a double stroller. The Hubb Duo - without any compromises: easy to manoeuvre, completely modular and perfectly suitable for city life.

We have already put together the complete set of a full double stroller for you. With two full-size seating units, both of your kids are provided with maximum comfort.

Items delivered:

  • 1x Quinny Hubb stroller

  • 1x Quinny Hubb second seat in a matching design

  • 1x Quinny Hubb Sun Canopy in a matching design

  • 1x Quinny Hubb play bar in a matching design

Its rear suspension levels out for uneven road surfaces and the large foam wheels are suitable for every terrain. With the help of the easy-to-use swivel wheels and the One-Touch brake pedal, you can easily manoeuvre the stylish Hubb through a turbulent city. No matter if you are tall or small, the height-adjustable comfort push bar can be adapted to match your height perfectly.

The individual way to attach the two seat units delights all parents. Both children can travel one behind the other in a forward-facing mode or else, you can attach one seat unit facing you and one in a forward-facing mode. That way, your kids are given the opportunity to discover the world in or against the direction of travel. The adjustable footrests ensure relaxed trips, even with their feet up. The fab retractable sun canopy protects your little one's from draughts or else provides pleasant shade on hot days. The flexibility and easy handling of the Hubb convinces everybody immediately and makes everyday life with two children much easier.

The Hubb Duo is also ideal as a shopping companion as it provides you with a spacious shopping basket under the seats. The built-in secret compartment is perfect for storing personal belongings, such as your phone or keys. With the additionally available XXL shopping basket (available as an accessory), you can even transport your weekly grocery shopping co折扣最新nveniently to your home.

As a modular stroller, the trendy Hubb Duo accompanies you and your little one right from birth. You can choose between the ultra-light Hux carrycot, the cosy From-Birth-Cocoon or else the matching Maxi Cosi infant car seat (not included in delivery) - just as the fancy takes you. There are also plenty of accessories that leave nothing to be desired and are perfect to adapt the Duo Hubb exactly to your needs and living conditions.

When the day comes to an end, you can fold the stroller easily with just one hand. The upper material of the Maxi-Cosi pushchair is particularly easy to maintain. The water-repellent fabrics make it super easy for you to wipe off little messes.

Details of Hubb:

  • 經典商品最便宜
  • Comfy stroller for all circumstances

  • Can be used as a single stroller or double stroller

  • Many possible combinations

  • Rear wheel suspension

  • Extremely narrow width of only 57 cm

  • Comfort foam wheels

  • Extendible sun canopy with UV protection 50+

  • Water-repellent, easy-care covers

  • Height-adjustable comfort push bar

  • One-touch brake pedal

  • Large shopping basket (maximum weight capacity 10 kg) with secret compartment

  • 會員專屬活動折扣
  • Including parasol and cup holder clip, rain cover and adaptor for infant car seat

  • Weight: chassis and seat 13.5 kg

  • Dimensions folded: 95 x 57 x 34 cm

  • Dimensions unfolded: 98 x 57 x 105 cm

Details of Hubb second seat:

  • Second seat for the Quinny Hubb stroller

  • Including 5-point harness

  • Weight: 2.9 kg

Details of Hubb play bar:

  • Suitable for Hubb second seat

  • Comfortable plug-in system in adaptor holder

Details of Hubb Sun Canopy:

  • Suitable for Quinny stroller Hubb, second seat and HUX carrycot
  • 兒童推車評價

  • XXL sun protection with UV 50+

  • With peep window

  • Adds a colourful touch




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: 有線台tvN新水木劇《她的私生活》製作發佈會於3日在首爾舉行,主演朴敏英、金材昱和安普賢出席了活動。



《她的私生活》改編自網路小說《姐姐粉絲.com》,講述沉迷愛豆的宅女迷妹,和這個宅女的狂粉的兩個男人之間的故事。 朴敏英飾演女主角成德美,她從god的尹繼尚開始粉起,20年以來一直是愛豆的宅女迷妹。

她隱藏了宅女本性,表面上是美術館的首席策展人,但隨著新館長Ryan(金材昱 飾)的登場,她隱藏了20年的宅女迷妹本性面臨著被揭穿的危機。 該劇將於4月10日開播。


Quinny Hubb Duo 兄弟姐妹/雙人兒童推車

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