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【人氣商品推薦】Quinny Hubb兒童推車-熱門產品-特惠組合好物分享
2020/10/23 16:42:48瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0


今天找到這樣商品Quinny Hubb兒童推車









Quinny Stroller Hubb 設計式樣: Blue Coral on Grey · 2019

The Quinny stroller Hubb adapts to your life circumstances with flexibility and perfect ease. Whether as a robust single stroller, XXL shopping stroller or double stroller - with the Hubb you are ready for any spontaneous adventure.

There are three possibilities to comfortably transport your little one right from birth. You can easily switch between a matching Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus infant car seat, the cosy From-Birth-Cocoon or the ultra-light Hux carrycot.

With its extremely narrow width of only 57 cm and its sturdy chassis, the Quinny Hubb always cuts a fine figure. Its rear wheel suspension compensates for bumpy roads and the large foam wheels are suitable for every terrain. The swivel wheels as well as the one-touch brake pedal contribute to the Hubb's easy manoeuvrability through the hustle and bustle of the city.

From the 6th month of life your little explorer is ready to move on to the sports seat and can explore the surroundings in a rear-facing or forward-facing mode. The adjustable footrest keeps the legs in a comfortable position. The extendable sun canopy provides shade and protects your tiny human from cold draughts.

When your life circumstances change, you can transform the Hubb into a full double stroller for siblings. Equipped with two full-size seat units, none of your kids will miss any comfort.

The large shopping basket holds a whopping 10 kg and has a secret compartment for your personal belongings. With the XXL shopping basket (available as an accessory), your Hubb will become a shopping companion for the next bulk purchase.

The outer material of the Hubb is particularly easy to care. The water-repellent fabrics are ideal for wiping away small mishaps.


  • Comfy stroller for all circumstances

  • Can be used as a single stroller or double stroller

  • Many possible combinations

  • Rear wheel suspension

  • Extremely narrow width of only 57 cm

  • Comfort foam wheels

  • Extendible sun canopy with UV protection 50+

  • Water-repellent, easy-care covers

  • Height-adjustable comfort push bar

  • One-touch brake pedal

  • Large shopping basket (maximum weight capacity 10 kg) with secret compartment

  • Including parasol and cup holder clip, rain cover and adaptor for infant car seat

  • Weight: chassis and seat 13.5 kg

  • Dimensions folded: 95 x 57 x 34 cm

  • Dimensions unfolded: 98 x 57 x 105 cm




Quinny Hubb兒童推車







民主黨籍美國聯邦眾議員馬隆尼(Sean Patrick Maloney),於當地時間13日明星在華爾街日報(The Wall Street Journa本日刷卡購買商品優惠l)撰文指出,兩黨國會議員本月組成的訪問團,被中國大陸拒發簽證,唯一條件就是該團必須取消訪問台灣。



五專聯合免試入學開始報名 前3年免學費


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