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【2020熱門商品】Odenw-lder 睡袋 Lo-Go Melange-折扣情報-超人氣商品開店送禮推薦
2020/10/23 21:26:31瀏覽21|回應0|推薦0

相信Odenw?lder 睡袋 Lo-Go Melange












Odenwälder Footmuff Lo-Go Melange 設計式樣: schoko

Oldenwälder's footmuff Lo-Go Melange fits perfectly to the trendiest prams on the market. The super cute Melange-look is an ultimate eye-catcher for everyone who wants to add some extravagance to their everyday stroll. Once you little one is cuddled up in this footmuff, he or she will never want to do without it again.兒童汽車安全座椅精選優惠>超人氣商品開店送禮推薦

The footmuff Lo-Go Melange supplies your child with maximum protection from the wet and cold. Trendy water-resistant and draughtproof high-tech fabric on the outside is combined with a cuddly filling made of high-bulk spun fibre as well as a super cosy micro-terry cloth on the inside. This combination will make your little one feel cosy and cuddled up.

This footmuff is equipped with a wipeable foot area that can be opened if required. Non-Slip material in the seating section as well as an additional Velcro fastener make Odenwälder's footmuff Lo-Go Melange stay put when attached to your buggy or pram. In case of hard wind or rainfall, you can easily create a mummy-shaped head area that prevents wet and wind from reaching your child.

Clip-up fasteners keep the footmuff wide open. This way, you can lift your little one in and out of the footmuff without any effort. When opened, Odenwälder's Lo-Go can be used as a practical changing mat or soft playing blanket. If required, you can adjust the footmuff's width easily by using the second zip (German Patent).

Both reflective stripes and label turn this footmuff into a reliable companion for strolling through the dark. This way, other road users can recognise you at all times.

The back section is equipped with an easy-to-open zip which is suitable for the belt system of all prams and buggies.


  • Suitable for all prams and buggies, zip in the back section

  • 100% draughtproof

  • 安全座椅人氣商品
  • Reflects warmth

  • ADA-bottom (patented), double thermal insulation in the foot area, foot area can be opened, wipeable

  • Fold-out footmuff with Clip-up fasteners, can also be used as changing map and playing blanket

  • Mummy shape本日刷卡購買商品折扣

  • Reflective and safe for traffic

  • Width adjustable by using a second zip (German Patent)

  • Non-slip material in the seating section, additional Velcro fastener

  • Outer material: water-resistant high-tech fabric, Filling: high-bulk spun fibre (polyesters), inner material: ultra-light micro terry cloth
  • 限定產品網拍熱門產品

  • Machine washable at 30°C in delicate cycle

  • Made in Germany




Odenw?lder 睡袋 Lo-Go Melange

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Odenw?lder 睡袋 Lo-Go Melange

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( 興趣嗜好電腦3C )
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