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2019/02/08 08:53:06瀏覽743|回應0|推薦0 | |
黃士安先生回憶祖母褚問鵑 2017年初,為紀念褚問鵑女士誕生一百二十周年,我決定自費編印一期“紀念專號”。我寫信向褚女士在美國的孫子黃士安先生求助,希望他能助我一臂之力,提供一些他祖母的照片或紀念文字。黃先生慨然應允,很快就傳來了他的獨家私照,還寫了一篇回憶他祖母的文章,讓我十分感動!當我把專號編定後,想發他指正,一直沒有得到回音。為了趕在春節前印刷廠放假前把專號編印完成,我只好在沒得到他回音前送印了。專號出來後,我再次聯繫他,想讓他提供一個地址,以便我把專號郵寄給他,也沒有回復。我很納悶,我哪裡做得不對嗎? 去年初,我去上海找到了他祖母與他父親黃嘉先生生活過的舊居,我把消息告訴了他,並把我拍的照片也發給了他,希望他有機會也可去尋訪。依然沒有任何音訊。 去年底,我去廣東潮洲參加張競生先生誕生一百三十周年學術研討會,回來後與同去參加會議卻沒碰面的張競生先生的小孫子張樹潮先生在網上聊起黃士安先生,他說幫我去打聽一下。沒想到他很快發來一張手機截圖,競是黃士安先生去世的訃告!黃士安先生于2017年5月19日在美國夏威夷因病去世,終年62歲。 與黃士安先生雖然沒有見過面,但我們因為他祖母褚問鵑女士,雙方通過電子郵件交往了很長一段時間,也越洋通過一次電話,彼此聊了整整一個小時,雙方都期待有相見的一天。沒想到天不假年,黃先生剛剛開始享受悠閒的退休生活,就絕塵而去,不得不讓人感歎:生命無常! 為了紀念黃士安先生,我把他的遺作轉發在此,希望他的家人能夠看到,並與我取得聯繫,我將沒有寄出的“紀念專號”寄給他們留個紀念。 回憶祖母
黃士安 【原文】 My Grand Mother This is my most treasured photo taken when I was six in 1962. My grand mother (sitting next to me) and I both were borne on the year of the “monkey” but 60 years apart. As I have turned 60 in this year of 2017, she would have been 120, a special year indeed. Around the years close to this photo was taken, I spent a lot of time with her, especially in the early hours of the day. We both got up early, before 5 every morning. I would sneak into her room and she would tell me her life time stories, mostly things happened when she was working during the World War II era in Mainland China. To me, the places she lived and worked, the Hu Bei province in particular, almost feel like places I have been to in person. Sometimes, she will talk to me about the long history of China and her family connection to the Ming Dynasty. I was taught to recite the names of dynasties from West Jo to Han to Tong, Song and way down to Ming. I was taught by her to be proud of being a Chinese and be proud of our history. In the later years of my Grand Mother’s life, I got busy and she fell into long illness. We did not talk as much as those years when I was in the elementary school. Then I came to the US for graduate study and she was pretty much bed ridden in those 10 last years of her life. We did talk on the phone once a while when she was more alert and she would ask my father to call me, her only grandson. In our very last conservation, she was very frail but quite alert. I remembered her telling me repeatedly “Stay in the US, find a job, don’t come back to Taiwan.” She also said: “Go visit China when you can. Don’t forget China is your country.” The trip took me to Taiwan after that conversation was to lead her coffin to the graveyard. Below is a phot of the memorial service in which I was the front row middle one wearing glasses and my parents were to me right. The year was 1994. 【譯文】 這是我最珍愛的一張照片,拍攝於1962年,當時我6歲。我祖母(坐在我旁邊的那位)和我都是在猴年出生的,但我們相差60歲。2016年我60歲,她120歲,確實是很特殊的一年。 在拍攝照片前後的那幾年裡,我和她一起度過了很多時光,尤其是每天的早上,我們起床都很早,每天大約五點鐘之前就起了。我總是偷偷溜進她的房間,她會給我講她以前的經歷,大多數是她二戰期間在中國大陸工作時發生的故事。對我來說,她工作和生活過的地方,尤其是湖北省,幾乎像我親身去過一樣。有時候,她會和我談起中國的悠久歷史和她家庭與明朝的關係。她教我背誦從西周、漢、唐、宋一直到明的每個朝代的名字。她教導我,要為做一個中國人而自豪,並為我們的歷史感到驕傲。 在我祖母人生的最後幾年裡,我很忙,她也長期患病,我們不再像我上小學的那些年,聊得那麼多了。後來,我來美國讀研究生,她幾乎在床上度過了她生命中最後的十年。我是她唯一的孫子,她對我很不放心,經常讓我父親給我打電話。我們還在電話上交談過一次,就是在我們最後那次交談,她非常虛弱,但對事情非常清醒。我記得她一再告訴我:“留在美國吧,找個工作,不要再回臺灣了”。她還說:“可能的話,到中國去看看,不要忘記中國是你的祖國。” 那次談話之後的臺灣之行,是送她的棺材進入墓地。那一年是1994年。
注1:作者系褚問鵑孫子,現居美國,某大學教授。 注2:題圖照片自右至左——前排:褚問鵑、黃士安;後排:黃嘉、蔣秀敏 (原載2017年《蠹魚》第二卷第一期“褚問鵑誕生一百二十周年紀念專號”) 聯繫方式:646609174@qq.com 禾塘閱色 |
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