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Nature Boy - 橫跨七十年的不同詮釋
2024/08/20 06:20:00瀏覽261|回應0|推薦27

2017年普羅米修斯/異形續集「Alien: Covenant」預告片,最吸引我的不是影片本身,而是背景聽來陰森又耳熟的歌曲。原來是「Nature Boy」,歷史悠久,可以回溯到戰後的納京高(Nat King Cole)。我聽過的版本,一是David Bowie主唱,選入電影「紅磨坊(Moulin Rouge!)」,一則出自Celine Dion,忘了那張專輯,都是大約廿幾年前,乍聽之下,忽然觸及某些回憶。預告片中的版本,則來自歌手AURORA。一首歌曲,各有詮釋不同。

There was a boy

A very strange enchanted boy

They say he wandered very far, very far

Over land and sea

A little shy

And sad of eye

But very wise

Was he

And then one day

One magic day he passed my way

And while we spoken of many things

Fools and kings

This he said to me

The greatest thing

Youll ever learn

Is just to love

And be loved in return

And then one day

One magic day he passed my way

And while we spoken of many things

Fools and kings

This he said to me

The greatest thing youll ever learn

Is just to love

And be loved

In return


David Bowie 版本 (紅磨坊 Moulin Rouge!, 2001)

Celine Dion 版本

Nat King Cole - Nature Boy (1948原曲)


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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