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A908下- 個人理財 與 社會福利
2010/08/19 08:14:44瀏覽746|回應0|推薦3

A908下- 個人理財 與 社會福利

      JCW 2010/08/10. NoDerives (ND) Creative commons Copyright. 

External Link  

(1). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum      (3). It's fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman

(2). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article   (4). Relay Story: http://blog.udn.com/JC00 

---------------------------Translate多語言翻譯器 ----------------------


1. 概無失業之憂 學後教育,失業保險,國家工程軍

2. 不受通貨膨脹之擾 產物保險,產銷控制

3. 生無病痛,老有所終 國民健康保險,公醫安養護,安樂死合法化


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* 澳門 - 社會保障基金

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(3). PersonalFinance-Wikiinvest - Personal Finance , The Wikinvest Primer on Personal Finance

* BudgetingGoal Setting | Balancing your Budget| Budget Pitfalls 

* College Education529 Plans | Financial Aid

* Credit CardsCredit Card Basics | Credit Scores | Choosing a Credit Card

* Everyday FinancesCoupons | Emergency Fund | Frugal Living

* InsuranceCar Insurance | Disability Insurance | Health Insurance | Homeowners Insurance | Life Insurance | Long-Term Care Insurance |Pet Insurance | Travel Insurance

* LoansHome Loans| Student Loans| Car Loans

* MarriagePrenuptial Agreement | Marriage Penalty | Wedding Finances

* Real Estate1031 Like-Kind Exchanges | Home Buyer's Manual | Green Homes

* RetirementCertificate of Deposit (CD) | 401(k) Plan | 403(b) Plan | Traditional IRA | Roth IRA | Roth 401(k) Plan | Social Security

* TaxesFederal Income Tax | Capital Gains Tax | Property Tax

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(4). SocialSecurity (United States) - Wikipedia

(5). SocialSecurity Online - The Official Website of the U.S.

(6). SocialSecurity Benefit Publications

★(7). 剛才,2010-08-19 09:08,有線電視說:臺灣今之貧富差距66倍 (未見其詳)。  想信這僅是個粗糙的說辭,也許稱不上統計。怎樣才算貧窮呢 ----- 一文錢都沒有才算嗎?!政治能替大家做的正勁事何止億萬件,政客黨棍卻無動於中。政治家何在?!學者專家何在?!人們的見解何在?!

=== EOF ===


A810CN-       2010-06-20







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